The ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza persist as the possibility of a truce diminishes.

The ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza persist as the possibility of a truce diminishes.

Fierce fighting ensued in Gaza on Sunday as Israel expressed willingness to engage in a prolonged battle against Hamas, the rulers of the region. A mediator also suggested that the possibility of negotiating a cease-fire was diminishing.

Israel is receiving global criticism for its military attack, which has resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinian civilians. The United States, a strong ally, has provided diplomatic backing and weapons for this offensive. According to U.N. agencies, approximately 90% of the 2.3 million residents of Gaza have been forced to leave their homes within the confined region, as there is no secure location for them to seek refuge.

The leader of the United Nations in Gaza stated on Sunday that the current situation is the most severe he has witnessed, expressing concerns about a complete breakdown of humanitarian aid within the area.

The sale of tank ammunition to Israel was valued at over $100 million.


On December 8, 2023, at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, U.S. Ambassador Robert A. Wood, who serves as the Alternate Representative of the U.S. for Special Political Affairs, raised his hand during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council focused on Gaza.


The Russian government supported the resolution. According to a statement from Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday and expressed his displeasure with the country’s representatives at the United Nations and in other locations for their “anti-Israel stance.”

The statement stated that Netanyahu informed Putin that if any nation were attacked in the same manner as Israel, they would respond with equal force to what Israel is currently using.

The United Nations General Assembly has arranged an urgent gathering on Tuesday to make a decision on a proposed resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for humanitarian purposes. Palestinian ambassador to the U.N., Riyad Mansour, informed The Associated Press that it bears resemblance to the Security Council resolution that was rejected by the United States on Friday.

The General Assembly does not have veto power, unlike the Security Council, and its resolutions do not hold legal weight. However, they still hold significance as an indication of worldwide sentiment.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinians, primarily innocent civilians. The violence began on October 7th when Hamas and other militant groups launched an attack, resulting in 1,200 deaths and around 240 people being taken captive. However, during a temporary cease-fire in the previous month, over 100 captives were released.

The limited assistance given to Palestinians has resulted in major deficiencies in essential resources such as food, water, and basic goods. Concerns are being raised by some onlookers about the possibility of Palestinians being compelled to leave Gaza entirely.

The U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, warned at a forum in Qatar, an important middleman, that public order is likely to collapse soon. He also cautioned that this could lead to a dire situation with the spread of diseases and a surge in the number of people seeking refuge in Egypt.

The accusation of widespread displacement in Gaza was deemed “outrageous and untrue” by Eylon Levy, a spokesperson for the Israeli government.


On December 9, 2023, an aerial photo captured makeshift tent camps near the Raed al-Attar Mosque in Rafah, located in the southern Gaza Strip. These camps were housing Palestinians who had been displaced by heavy Israeli bombing and were seeking shelter in the open areas around the mosque, which is close to the Egyptian border.

The image used in the
“Image of the Day” feature

The photograph featured in the daily “Image of the Day” is courtesy of SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the prime minister of Qatar, stated at the forum that they will continue their efforts to mediate and end the war while ensuring the release of all hostages. However, he expressed disappointment at the lack of cooperation compared to previous weeks.

According to Israel’s national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, the U.S. has not given Israel a specific time frame to accomplish its objectives. Hanegbi stated on Israel’s Channel 12 TV that it is impossible to determine a timeline in weeks and even months may not be sufficient.

In an interview with CNN, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the length and manner of the conflict are choices for Israel to make.

At the Qatar forum, Jordan’s foreign minister Ayman Safadi stated that this is an unwinnable war, cautioning that Israel’s actions have generated a level of animosity that will impact this region for generations to come.

There were confrontations and detentions in the northern region.

Israeli military encountering strong opposition, particularly in the northern region of Gaza, where residential areas have been destroyed by aerial attacks and where ground forces have been active for more than six weeks.

Footage aired on Israel’s Channel 13 TV depicted numerous individuals being detained, with many stripped down to their undergarments and hands raised in surrender. In the video, a man can be seen holding an assault rifle above his head before moving forward and placing the firearm on the ground.

Previous footage has displayed clusters of unarmored males being confined in comparable circumstances, lacking clothing, restrained and unable to see. Individuals from a set who were freed on Saturday disclosed to The Associated Press that they had been physically assaulted and deprived of sustenance and hydration.

According to Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari, numerous arrests were made in two areas controlled by Hamas. People were also forced to remove their clothing in order to confirm that they were not concealing any explosives.

The inhabitants reported ongoing intense battles in the Shijaiyah neighborhood of Gaza City and the Jabaliya refugee camp. This highly populated urban region is home to Palestinian families who were displaced from what is now Israel during the 1948 conflict.

According to Shijaiyah resident Hamza Abu Fatouh, everything in motion is being targeted by the attackers. He also mentioned that the injured and deceased were unable to be assisted as the ambulances were unable to access the location.

At the beginning of the conflict, Israel instructed for the removal of the top one-third of the area, which includes Gaza City. However, many individuals have chosen to stay despite this order.


On December 9, 2023, individuals observed as firefighters fought to extinguish a fire caused by an Israeli attack on a building in Khan Yunis, located in the southern Gaza Strip.

The visual content provided by AFP through Getty Images.

Intense battles are currently taking place in and around the southern city of Khan Younis, which Israel alleges is the main headquarters for Hamas. Numerous families have been displaced and are seeking refuge in the nearby town of Rafah near the border.

According to Aya Moustafa Zourab, her entire street was engulfed in flames as they evacuated. She also mentioned that her child has a disability and requires medical care. Unfortunately, there is no available treatment and she lacks the funds to travel for help. As a result, she is forced to rely on others for basic necessities such as food and water.

Waiting days for food

The price of dwindling food in Gaza has soared. Abdulsalam al-Majdalawi said he had come every day for nearly two weeks to a U.N. distribution center, hoping to get supplies for his family of seven.

“Today, we were fortunate enough to have our name chosen,” he expressed his gratitude.

According to Wael Abu Omar, a representative from the Palestinian Crossings Authority, only one hundred trucks carrying humanitarian assistance arrived on Sunday, which falls significantly below the required amount.

Juliette Toumi, a spokesperson for the United Nations in Gaza, informed CBS News that the current situation has made it perilous for aid organizations to carry out their work.

She expressed uncertainty about our ability to carry out our duties and aid those in Gaza. She also noted that this is an unprecedented situation.

The World Food Program issued a cautionary statement about the dire food and water situation for half of Gaza’s inhabitants. The organization Save the Children also expressed concern, predicting that fatalities from malnutrition and sickness could surpass those resulting from bombings in Gaza.

Hamas Israel Conflict

On December 10, 2023, Palestinians in Deir El-Balah, located in the central Gaza Strip, gathered at an aid distribution center operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to receive food supplies.

Majdi Fathi/NurPhoto via Getty Images

According to the Health Ministry in Gaza, the number of Palestinian fatalities in the ongoing war has exceeded 17,900, with the majority being women and children. The ministry does not distinguish between deaths of civilians and combatants.

Israel holds Hamas accountable for the loss of innocent lives, citing their use of residential areas as battle grounds. The military reports 97 Israeli soldiers have lost their lives in the operation. Despite this, Palestinian militants persist in launching rockets into Israel.

According to Netanyahu’s office, Hamas is currently holding 117 individuals hostage and the bodies of 20 individuals who were killed either while in captivity or during the October 7th attack. The militants are seeking to negotiate their release in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

According to Israel, they have issued specific guidelines for civilians to relocate to more secure locations, while simultaneously targeting what they claim to be militant sites. Numerous individuals have relocated to regions near the border with Egypt, which is one of the few remaining areas where relief organizations can distribute provisions of sustenance and hydration.


On December 10, 2023, in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip border, a photo captured smoke rising from an Israeli attack on Palestinian territory as clashes with the Hamas group continued.

GIL COHEN-MAGEN/AFP via Getty Images

Israeli Colonel Etad Goren assured CBS News that despite recent airstrikes near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, it is still safe to travel through the area.

The speaker stated that they were not targeting the humanitarian route. Additionally, they were aware of the locations of the shelters and did not attack any United Nations vehicles that were delivering supplies or shelter.

Many aid organizations report that tens of thousands of Palestinians will go to sleep malnourished and dehydrated, with a significant number lacking shelter.

Once more, protests were organized in various cities to show solidarity with the Palestinians and demand an end to the ongoing conflict. Additionally, thousands of individuals took to the streets in Europe to denounce antisemitism.

The war has raised tensions across the Middle East, with Lebanon’s Hezbollah trading fire with Israel along the border and other Iran-backed militant groups targeting the U.S. in Syria and Iraq. Israeli artillery, drone, and airstrikes over Lebanon border towns intensified.



