Putin reportedly expressed a preference for Biden over Trump, stating that he believes Biden would be more predictable in his actions.

Putin reportedly expressed a preference for Biden over Trump, stating that he believes Biden would be more predictable in his actions.

On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia would prefer to see President Joe Biden re-elected for a second term, citing his experience as a factor in their preference over Donald Trump.

During an interview with a Russian state television correspondent, Putin stated that he is willing to collaborate with any elected U.S. leader, but expressed a preference for a Biden victory when questioned about who would be the better choice for Russia.

According to Putin, Biden is a seasoned and reliable politician from the traditional school of thought. However, regardless of who the American people choose, Russia is willing to cooperate with any leader that has the trust of the American people.

Russia's President Putin gives interview in Moscow

On February 14, 2024, in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, gave an interview to journalist Pavel Zarubin.

“Reuters via Pool / Alexander Kazakov / Sputnik”

Putin made his first remarks about the upcoming U.S. presidential election, which is expected to be a battle between Mr. Biden and Trump. These comments come at a time when tensions are rising between Republicans and Democrats due to Mr. Biden’s efforts to provide additional military assistance to Kyiv.

Mr. Biden claimed that Trump’s desire to disrupt the NATO alliance could be advantageous for Putin. On Tuesday, Mr. Biden criticized Trump for submitting to a Russian autocrat.

When questioned about Trump’s recent statement, where he indicated that he had previously threatened to let Russia do as it pleases to NATO countries that fail to allocate 2% of their GDP to defense, Putin stated that it is the responsibility of the U.S. to decide its role within the alliance.

Donald Trump’s declaration was in stark opposition to Joe Biden’s promise to protect all regions of NATO, as the alliance requires all members to do in the event of an assault. This greatly surprised numerous individuals in Europe, prompting Poland, France, and Germany to vow to strengthen Europe’s security and defense capabilities.

Putin remarked that Trump’s declaration aligned with his approach in his initial tenure, where he urged European NATO allies to boost their military expenditures.

According to Putin, Trump has a unique perspective on how to handle relationships with allies. Trump believes there is some rationale behind his approach, whereas Europeans see no logic and prefer for the U.S. to continue fulfilling duties for NATO without charge.

Biden condemns Trump for threatening to abandon NATO allies


During a campaign rally in South Carolina on Wednesday evening, Trump reiterated his stance that if he is re-elected, he will not provide defense for NATO members who fail to meet their spending goals.

Trump shared again the account of his supposed discussion with the leader of a nation in NATO that had not fulfilled its responsibilities. However, this instance, he omitted the statement that caused the most fury – that he would support Russia “to do whatever they please.”

On Wednesday, he stated, “If they refuse to pay, we won’t provide protection. Is that clear?”

Trump changed his statement about Putin, whom he has frequently complimented as strong and previously implied that Putin treated him as a favorite.

Trump referenced Putin’s interview on Wednesday and stated, “Putin does not support me.”

According to Bloomberg News, Trump stated that Putin’s praise of Biden is a great compliment and a positive thing.

Putin’s comments on Biden’s well-being and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

When questioned about rumors regarding Mr. Biden’s health problems, Putin stated that he is not a medical professional and does not believe it is appropriate to give his opinion on the matter.

The team of Mr. Biden made efforts to address the worries of the Democratic party.

concerns raised by an investigator appointed to a specific case

Regarding Mr. Biden’s age and cognitive abilities, a report concluded that he will not face any legal charges for possessing classified documents after his term as President.

Putin stated that discussions regarding Mr. Biden’s well-being are occurring amidst a rapidly intensifying election season in the United States.

During their meeting in Switzerland in June 2021, he observed that there were rumors about Mr. Biden’s health issues, but he personally saw the opposite and found the U.S. leader to be in good physical condition.

Putin stated that there was discussion about him being unable to function, but he did not witness any evidence of this. He admitted to glancing at his notes, but also mentioned that it was not a significant matter.

Simultaneously, Putin remarked that he views the policies of the Biden administration as incorrect.

the recent expulsion of diplomats.

Relations between Russia and the West have reached their lowest point since the Cold War, following the recent expulsion of diplomats.

Putin deployed his military forces to Ukraine. in February 2022.

“I have communicated my belief to President Biden that the stance of the current administration is deeply flawed and incorrect,” stated Putin.

Putin has asserted that he deployed troops to Ukraine in order to safeguard Russian speakers and to counter any potential threat to Russia’s security from Ukraine’s pursuit of NATO membership. Ukraine and its Western allies have condemned this move by Moscow as an unjustified act of aggression.

Putin claimed that Moscow had no choice but to take action due to the refusal of Ukraine and its allies to uphold a 2015 agreement that would have given greater autonomy to separatist regions in eastern Ukraine. This area saw a rebellion led by pro-Russian separatists in 2014.

“I regret that we did not take action sooner, assuming that we were dealing with respectable individuals,” stated Putin.

Putin stated that NATO is considered a tool for U.S. foreign policy and it is ultimately the decision of the U.S. whether or not they continue to utilize this tool.

The White House’s representative, Andrew Bates, reacted to Trump’s statements by stating that advocating for attacks on our nearest allies by deadly governments is shocking and irrational – and it puts American national security, worldwide stability, and our domestic economy at risk.

Asked about his impressions from his last week’s

Interview with Tucker Carlson, a former host on the news network Fox News.
During the interview, Putin expressed his expectation for Carlson to display more assertiveness. He also utilized the opportunity to assert his perspective on the conflict in Ukraine, urge the recognition of Moscow’s interests by Washington, and encourage Kyiv to engage in negotiations.

Carlson did not inquire about the allegations of war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine, nor did he question Putin’s severe suppression of opposing viewpoints.

Putin stated that he anticipated an aggressive demeanor from the other person and for them to ask what he refers to as difficult questions. He also expressed that he was not only prepared for this, but welcomed it as it would allow him to respond assertively.

Source: cbsnews.com
