The Pentagon's UFO department has introduced an online form to gather information on government programs and activities related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

The Pentagon’s UFO department has introduced an online form to gather information on government programs and activities related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

dubbed “unidentified flying objects”

The US Department of Defense has created an online form for individuals who are currently or formerly employed by the government, contractors, or military personnel to report any information they have regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). This is the official term used by the government for objects that were previously referred to as “unidentified flying objects” (UFOs).known as UFOs.  

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office says it will use the information submitted through its website in a report on UAPs. The AARO, which was established through the annual defense policy bill approved by Congress

In the current year of 2021, it is recognized as the top government organization for initiatives related to UAP.

The AARO advises against submitting classified information through the form. However, they acknowledge that reporting through the site does not violate any non-disclosure agreements. It is also important to refrain from submitting information from secondhand sources. Only individuals who were directly involved in U.S. government or contractor activities related to UAP should contribute. The agency also states that eligibility for reporting may expand in the future.

In August, it was announced that information regarding resolved and declassified UAP cases will be shared, along with accompanying photos and videos.

85% of reported UAPs are likely to be drones

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) are objects that are found in the air, sea, and space and cannot be identified. It is estimated that over 85% of reported UAPs are most likely drones.270 reports of UAPs

During a period of eight months, the Department of Defense reported that notifications and comments were submitted to the United States government.

approved a bill to stop the transfer of

During the month of July, the House Oversight Committee passed a legislation to prevent the transfer of.held a hearingthen-Speaker Kevin McCarthy to 

Create a special committee

Assigned to examine the United States government’s reaction to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

Kerry Breen
