Senator Mark Warner, who is the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, appeared on the television show "Face the Nation" on November 12, 2023.

Senator Mark Warner, who is the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, appeared on the television show “Face the Nation” on November 12, 2023.

On November 12, 2023, an interview with Senator Mark Warner, the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, was broadcasted and is transcribed below.

Margaret Brennan: Now we have Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner from Virginia joining us. Democrats were recently celebrating the recent elections in Virginia. You stated that it was the first election of the 2024 national election cycle when informing the White House. Can you clarify what you meant by that?

Senator Mark Warner mentioned that while there was a lot of attention on the Wisconsin Supreme Court race and the Ohio abortion question, there were also important issues at stake in Virginia, a state known for its political swing. These issues included not only abortion, but also gun rights and voting rights, which showcased the differences between the positions of Democrats and Republicans. This sets the stage for the President’s agenda. Additionally, it is worth noting that the impact of the federal government and the presence of defense and federal workers in Virginia may have influenced the election outcome. The current chaos in the House of Representatives, led by extreme voices, may have caused voters to fear that if Republicans gained complete control in Virginia, it would lead to similar extremism at the state level. This fear may have contributed to Democrats winning back the House, maintaining control of the Senate, and preventing some of the Republican agenda from progressing.

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