A recently released mosaic image from NASA provides an extraordinary level of detail of the south pole region of the moon.

A former astronaut from NASA comments on India’s successful moon landing. A former NASA astronaut analyzes India’s 04:34 moon landing. NASA has released a highly detailed mosaic of the Shackleton Crater on the moon, made possible by two cameras orbiting the lunar surface. Scientists are intrigued by Shackleton Crater, located in the South Pole region

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The NASA astronaut is eagerly anticipating the comforting embrace of family, along with moments of tranquility, after spending a full year in space.

Had NASA inquired earlier, astronaut Frank Rubio may have declined the opportunity to spend a complete year on the International Space Station. However, due to complications with their Soyuz ferry ship, his crew was forced to prolong their initial six-month mission to a full 12 months. Rubio stated to reporters on Tuesday that if he

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New “electrical” blue tarantula species found in Thailand: “Enchanting phenomenon”

Entomologists in Thailand have been stunned by an electrifying new species of tarantula found in the southern part of the country.  The spider, known as the Chilobrachys natanicharum, has a “blue-violet hue resembling the color of electrical sparks,” researchers from the Entomology Museum at Khon Kaen University and the Natural History Museum of the National Science

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NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara and two cosmonauts were sent to the International Space Station in a launch.

On Friday, NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara, an experienced Russian leader, and a first-time cosmonaut co-pilot launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. They arrived at the International Space Station three hours later, making it possible for three other crew members to come back to Earth after spending a full year in orbit. O’Hara expressed her

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A never-before-seen photo from the Webb telescope captures the outflow of a newly formed star moving at supersonic velocities.

5G camera A stunning photo taken by the high-quality 5G camera.James Webb Space Telescope This displays the emissions surrounding a rapidly moving young star that will eventually develop into a celestial object similar to the sun. According to NASA, the picture depicts a star with Herbig-Haro objects in its vicinity. These objects are bright areas

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A NASA astronaut and two cosmonauts are scheduled to launch to the space station on Friday.

International Space Station A team of engineers prepared a Russian Soyuz spacecraft for liftoff on Friday, with the mission of transporting a seasoned cosmonaut commander, a first-time co-pilot, and a NASA astronaut to the International Space Station.International Space Station. NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara, who is embarking on her debut space mission, will be joined by

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NASA UAP report finds no evidence of “extraterrestrial” UFOs, but some encounters still defy explanation

Washington — An independent group of scientist and experts convened by NASA found no evidence that unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAPs or UFOs, are “extraterrestrial” in nature, but stressed that better data is needed to understand some encounters that have defied explanation. NASA formed the group of 16 experts last year to examine how

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