Greenland’s ice sheet melting faster than scientists previously estimated, study finds

Greenland’s ice sheet is melting faster than scientists previously estimated, according to a study released Wednesday in the journal Nature, with the loss believed to be 20% worse than previously reported.  Since 1985, Greenland’s ice sheet has lost approximately 5,091 square kilometers of ice researchers found using satellite imagery. Scientists said earlier estimates did not

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Contrails — the lines behind airplanes — are warming the planet. Could an easy AI solution be on the horizon?

Artificial intelligence could be used to prevent planes from creating planet-warming condensation trails, or contrails, according to a new study. Exactly how much impact contrails have on global warming is still being studied, but one recent study found the feathery streaks in the sky can trap enough heat to account for about 35% of the aviation

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Pee-cycling: Turning human urine into fertilizer

In Lissa Schneckenburger’s garden in Brattleboro, Vermont, the tomatoes seem happy; so do the bees. And the reason may be because of how she enriches the garden – with her own family’s urine. “When we tell people about it, they’re mostly confused,” Schneckenburger said. “They’re just like, ‘What? Why? What?’” Welcome to the world of

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