The NASA rover has revealed the past of a Martian lake that expanded to a width of 22 miles and a depth of 100 feet.

on Mars The Curiosity rover marks its 10th anniversary on the planet Mars. The Curiosity Mars rover celebrates its 10th anniversary at 04:00. NASA’s Perseverance rover New data has been acquired regarding a significant crater on Mars, providing insight to researchers and astronomers on its formation and the presence of water during that time. Perseverance,

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Russian cosmonauts successfully directed a Russian cargo ship to dock with the International Space Station through remote guidance, overcoming a glitch in the guidance system.

A Russian cargo spacecraft, named Progress, successfully reached the International Space Station on Sunday after a two-day journey. The spacecraft carried over 5,570 pounds of equipment and supplies. Due to a misalignment in its automated system, the spacecraft was remotely guided by cosmonauts at a control station within the lab complex during its final approach.

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According to a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the planned NASA Artemis moon landing in 2025 is facing significant challenges and may not be feasible.

A fast-track schedule, along with delays developing SpaceX’s moon lander and new Axiom spacesuits, make the The initial mission to land on the moon with the Artemis spacecraft. According to a report released on Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, it is improbable that the expected timeline for 2025 will be met and it is

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Astronomers have discovered a new solar system within the Milky Way. According to them, all six planets are perfectly synchronized.

A group of astronomers have observed an uncommon synchronized solar system consisting of six planets that move in a harmonious manner, remaining undisturbed by external influences since their formation billions of years ago. The discovery, announced on Wednesday, can aid in understanding the formation of solar systems in the Milky Way galaxy. This particular system

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State media reports that North Korea has successfully launched a satellite for the purpose of spying while in orbit.

Blinken worried about relationship between Russia and North Korea. Blinken, the representative from the United States in South Korea, expresses worries regarding the relationship between Russia and North Korea. Seoul — North Korea successfully launched a surveillance satellite Late Tuesday night, according to state media, the spacecraft was launched into orbit. The accuracy of this

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On its second test flight, SpaceX’s Super Heavy-Starship rocket was launched, but unfortunately did not successfully reach space.

SpaceX’s gargantuan Super Heavy-Starship The most formidable rocket ever constructed, launched into the sky on its mission.second test flight On Saturday, the early parts of the operation progressed without any issues. However, the initial stage unexpectedly fell apart shortly after being detached from the Starship upper stage. The Starship then self-destructed as it approached outer

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