Adan Canto’s spouse speaks out following his passing at 42 years old from cancer: “Adan will always be my cherished treasure.”

The spouse of Adan Canto, known for his acting, shared a heartfelt tribute to her deceased partner who passed away this week at 42 years old after a struggle with cancer. appendiceal cancer.
Stephanie Ann Canto posted a photo on Instagram on Tuesday with the caption, “Do not store up treasures on earth, where they can be destroyed by moths and rust and stolen by thieves. Instead, store up treasures in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and thieves cannot steal them. As the saying goes, ‘Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ Matthew 6:19-21.”
“I will always cherish you, Adan. I can’t wait to see you again,” she said.
On Monday, it was announced by his publicist Jennifer Allen in a statement to CBS News that he had passed away.
“According to Allen, Adan possessed a profound spirit that was only known by a select few. Those who caught a glimpse of it were forever transformed.”
Canto, who was born in Mexico and grew up in Texas, had a multi-talented career as a singer, director, and actor. He first appeared on American TV in 2013 on the show “The Following” and continued to take on diverse roles in both television and film.
Appendiceal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that originates from the cells in the appendix, as stated by the National Cancer Institute. The condition can potentially spread to nearby areas in the abdomen if the appendix ruptures.
Christopher Brito helped write this report.
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Source: cbsnews.com