The making of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
The iconic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, a staple on newsstands for six decades, marks its 60th anniversary with a special issue that breaks from tradition.
“I want the world to realize that Sports Illustrated has evolved into such a far more wide-reaching, powerful vehicle of change,” said MJ Day, editor-in-chief.
The special anniversary of the SI Swimsuit Issue has seven new covers that feature different models, including Kate Upton, Chrissy Teigen and Hunter McGrady, who is making her debut as a cover star.
Gayle King, who not only photographed for the magazine, but is also on the cover.
Sports Illustrated
“They told me I was going to be on the inside,” King said as she saw the cover for the first time on “CBS Mornings.”
King described how the photographer guided her on how to pose, from how to position your fingers to extending your toes. Despite such detailed instructions, she never imagined herself in that role.
“I mean, I just never saw myself this way. I still don’t see myself this way,” said King.
Source: cbsnews.com