19-year-old giant panda gives birth to twins, becoming the oldest known first-time panda mom

19-year-old giant panda gives birth to twins, becoming the oldest known first-time panda mom

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A 19-year-old giant panda named Ying Ying has given birth to twins, becoming the oldest known first-time panda mom, according to Ocean Park Hong Kong, where Ying Ying resides.

“This birth is a true rarity, especially considering Ying Ying is the oldest giant panda on record to have successfully given birth for the first time,” the animal theme park posted on social media.

19-year-old giant panda Ying Ying gave birth to twins at Ocean Park Hong Kong.

Ocean Park Hong Kong

“As a first-time mother, Ying Ying was understandably nervous throughout the process. She spent much of her time lying on the ground and twisting,” Ocean Park said.

Haley Ott

Source: cbsnews.com
