A historic Greek temple was unearthed, containing precious treasures of gold and silver.

A historic Greek temple was unearthed, containing precious treasures of gold and silver.

Researchers have uncovered numerous buildings and artifacts, such as valuable jewelry made of gold and silver, at a site dedicated to the worship of the Greek deity Artemis.

According to a recent post on social media by Greece’s Ministry of Culture, a significant structure located at the center of the sanctuary was discovered in 2017. In 2023, another temple was uncovered, which yielded a collection of valuable artifacts and jewelry, as reported by the ministry. Additional excavations also revealed buildings dating back to the 9th and 8th centuries B.C.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Culture, a team of archaeologists from Switzerland and Greece conduct excavations every year. The project began approximately 15 years ago.


The Amarysia Artemis sanctuary in Amarynthos has been fully excavated by the end of 2023, revealing numerous structures.

Greek Ministry of Culture

During the 2023 excavations, a temple from the seventh century B.C. was discovered. It was approximately 100 feet in length, a common size for temples constructed during that era. The interior of the temple contained various structures, such as hearths used as altars and a horseshoe-shaped altar covered in ash containing charred bones. According to the ministry, some of the altars may have been built before the temple itself, as pottery found on the horseshoe-shaped altar dates back to the eighth century B.C.

Reported findings of a historic water channel constructed by a ruler of the Roman Empire, in addition to the discovery of over 25 silver coins.

Kerry Breen

Source: cbsnews.com
