Biden touts inhaler price drops with Bernie Sanders: “Finally, finally we beat big Pharma”
Sen. Bernie Sanders and President Biden joined forces Wednesday at the White House, championing the progress they’ve made on lowering the cost of inhalers and other expenses for Americans with asthma.
Mr. Biden and Sanders also called on Congress and pharmaceutical companies to do more to curb prices.
“Bernie, you and I have been fighting this for 25 years,” the president said Wednesday. “Finally, finally we beat big Pharma. Finally. I’m serious. I’m proud — I’m proud my administration has taken on big Pharma, in the most significant ways ever. And I wouldn’t have done it without Bernie.”
pleaded with Congress during his State of the Union address to pass measures to lower health care costs, something Sanders mentioned in his remarks Wednesday. The administration is trying to cut what Americans pay for prescriptions as prolonged high inflation has slashed Americans’ buying power.
“Despite all of what we have accomplished up to now, it is not enough,” Sanders said Wednesday. “Working together, we can take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry and substantially lower the cost of prescription drugs in America. And when we do that, we will be lowering the cost of health care in our country.”
Kathryn Watson
Source: cbsnews.com