Full transcript of "Face the Nation," March 10, 2024

Full transcript of “Face the Nation,” March 10, 2024

On this episode of “Face the Nation,” with Margaret Brennan as the host:

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont
  • Representative Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat from New York and the current leader of the minority party in the House.

  • Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, representing the Democratic and Republican parties respectively.

  • IBM vice chairman Gary Cohn   

Click here to browse full transcripts of “Face the Nation.”    

In Washington, I am Margaret Brennan.

This week on Face the Nation, the two expected candidates shift their focus to the upcoming general election. Additionally, President Biden increases his calls for Israel to reduce the violence occurring in Gaza.

Prior to the primary on Tuesday in a significant state for the general election, President Biden and former President Trump both held rallies in Georgia on Saturday evening. In the previous presidential election, Georgia voted for a Democratic candidate for the first time in almost 30 years.

(Begin VT)

JOE BIDEN (President of the United States): Guys, you really want to do it again.

(End VT)

Brennan stated that Trump, who was seventy miles away from Biden’s event, argued that it was unjust to draw comparisons between himself and his opponent.

(Begin VT)

“Two individuals with low approval ratings are competing for political office – one of whom is Donald Trump, the former President of the United States and current presidential candidate.”

I asked, why am I not well-liked? I eliminated 12 individuals in the shortest amount of time ever.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: That opponent, still riding away with positive reviews from his fiery State of the Union speech, leaned in to a tougher approach in the Israel-Hamas conflict, privately vowing a come-to-Jesus talk with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

(Begin VT)

President Joe Biden stated that attention must be paid to the innocent lives being lost as a result of certain actions being taken. In his opinion, these actions are causing harm to Israel rather than aiding it. He believes that this is a grave error and calls for a cease-fire to be implemented.

(End VT)

Can a proposal for a six-week pause be satisfactory for the progressive members of his party? We will inquire with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Additionally, we will be having a conversation with Democratic Leader of the House, Hakeem Jeffries.

Can we expect a more positive view of the economy from Americans now? We are awaiting testimony from Gary Cohn, who previously advised President Trump on economic matters.

Additionally, we will be joined by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairs Mark Warner and Marco Rubio to discuss the various threats that America is currently facing around the world.

This information will be discussed on Face the Nation shortly.

“Hello and thank you for tuning in to Face the Nation.”

We have had a significant week in the world of politics. However, there are difficulties in the future, especially with the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas intensifying as the holy month of Ramadan commences.

Let us shift our focus to the current crisis in the Middle East and growing concerns about potential violence in Jerusalem. I would like to mention that we had a thorough and collaborative discussion with the chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee. This will be discussed in more detail shortly.

Let’s start with Senator Bernie Sanders from Burlington, Vermont.

Hello Senator, good morning to you.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) greeted the audience and said, “Good morning.”

MARGARET BRENNAN: You have long been a critic of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

During the recent evening, there was a conversation caught on a microphone where President Biden mentioned his intention to have a serious discussion with Netanyahu regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza after the State of the Union address. Have you had a chance to discuss this matter with President Biden? If not, what is his reason for delaying the conversation? And if it has already taken place, has there been any impact?

Senator Bernie Sanders: I have personally communicated with individuals in high positions within his administration.

Margaret, in Gaza, we are facing a crisis that has never been seen before. The situation is grave with the deaths of 30,000 people, mostly women and children, and the potential for hundreds of thousands of children to suffer from starvation.


It is unacceptable for the United States to be involved in the large-scale killing of children. While it is important to have discussions with Netanyahu and put pressure on him, we must also consider the fact that we have consistently provided billions of dollars in military aid to the government of Israel.

Currently, the government under Netanyahu is composed of extreme right-wing members. Despite this, there are intentions to grant an additional $10 billion for military purposes without any restrictions. It is concerning that we are unable to request for an end to the violence and have access to necessary humanitarian aid for the wellbeing of the children. Instead, we are offering even more money for the continuation of the war.


SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: Now, we have written a letter to the president.

Israel has been found to be breaking the law by halting American humanitarian aid. This is a clear violation of the law. It is unacceptable to continue providing money that feeds Netanyahu’s war efforts, and ultimately harms innocent Palestinian children.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You have accused Israel of breaking the Foreign Assistance Act, along with several other Democratic senators. They could potentially also be violating the Leahy Act.

Can the president use their national security authority to temporarily stop aid to a key Middle Eastern ally during an election year?

Senator Bernie Sanders believes it is the correct action to take.

Reworded: It is not possible to plead with Netanyahu. Instead, you must inform him that in order to receive any funding, he must alter his policies. Allowing trucks to enter and provide sustenance for their children is crucial. Furthermore, in regard to political matters…


Senator Bernie Sanders believes that, regardless of political beliefs, no one wants to see Palestinian children go hungry.

In my opinion, it is both politically advantageous and morally just to do so.

Do you continue to hold the belief that achieving a complete cease-fire with Hamas is unattainable, given that the group’s ultimate objective is to eradicate Israel?

Senator Bernie Sanders expressed the urgency for a ceasefire in order to allow for the delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance to feed those suffering from starvation.

Hamas is committed to annihilating Israel, while the Netanyahu government is determined to eliminate Hamas. In my opinion, for lasting peace to be achieved in the region, neither Hamas nor the Netanyahu government can continue to govern Gaza and Israel, respectively.

Can a brief pause in fighting satisfy you, Margaret Brennan?

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: To feed the children right now is…


Senator Bernie Sanders: We must precisely figure out what needs to be done.


When questioned about Israel’s intended operation in Rafah, Southern Gaza, President Biden responded with the following statement.

(Begin VT)

MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart asked if the invasion of Rafah, which you have advised against, would be considered a red line.

President Joe Biden stated that although there is a red line, he will always stand by Israel. It is crucial to defend Israel. However, he will not cut off all weapons, which would leave them vulnerable without Iron Dome protection. There are specific red lines that, if crossed and the killing of 30,000 Palestineans continues, will not be tolerated.

(End VT)

Margaret Brennan asked if it was evident to the person interviewed where the limit was and what their interpretation of it was.

Senator Bernie Sanders expressed that 1.7 million Palestinians, which makes up 80% of their population, have been forced to leave their homes and become displaced, during an interview with Margaret.

A large number of individuals ultimately find themselves in Rafah. Launching an additional attack and forcing them to relocate would result in a catastrophic outcome. Therefore, my stance is that we should not endorse a military operation of that nature on Rafah.

In short, Netanyahu must be informed that there will be no further funding for his military operations unless there is assistance provided for the people in need.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Currently, the House of Representatives has not scheduled a vote on this matter.

The political landscape saw a significant number of voters, over 100,000 in Michigan and almost 20% in Minnesota, choosing to abstain from pledging support for Mr. Biden’s policies. This trend was seen in the recent primary in Minnesota as well.

Considering your moral concerns and personal matters, is it ethical for you to request your followers to vote for Mr. Biden?

Bernie Sanders, a senator, emphasized the difference in beliefs between himself and President Biden during Biden’s State of the Union speech. If you acknowledge the existence of climate change, Sanders believes you should support Biden.

If you support a woman’s right to govern her own body, it is important to cast your vote for President Biden. If you believe that extreme disparities in income and wealth should be addressed by not giving trillions of dollars in tax breaks to the top 1%, voting for Biden is crucial. And if you want to see a decrease in the cost of prescription medications, supporting Biden at the polls is necessary.

If you support democracy and promoting citizen participation in decision-making, rather than restricting voting rights, then voting for Biden is necessary.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you suggesting…

Senator Bernie Sanders stated that, to sum it up…

Should progressives set this aside?

Senator Bernie Sanders: I believe that we cannot simply ignore the situation in Gaza. We must instead stay committed to pushing for a change in Biden’s policy on the matter.

The difference between Biden and Trump is drastic. If Trump were to be elected, it would be disastrous for our country and, in my opinion, the world. We must unite and vote for Biden. However, we also need to push for a progressive agenda that promotes an inclusive economy for all, rather than just a select few.

Can you confirm that you still support Mr. Biden’s election, even with the current policy in place?

Senator Bernie Sanders stated that he is not endorsing Mr. Trump. He clarified that he is not supporting him.


MARGARET BRENNAN: No, no, no, Mr. Biden.

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: The election of Trump would be – yes. That’s right.

Thank you, Senator Bernie Sanders for joining us this morning, Margaret Brennan here.

Senator Bernie Sanders expressed his gratitude.

Brennan: The Senate Intelligence Committee’s annual worldwide threats hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.

Before the State of the Union address, we had a nonpartisan discussion with Senators Mark Warner and Marco Rubio on Thursday to talk about the various obstacles currently facing the United States.

(Begin VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Through the U.S. national security lens, how concerned are you about the rising risk to U.S. interests in the Middle East because of the close alliance with Israel’s war in Gaza?

Senator Marco Rubio, representing Florida as a Republican, believes that it is an error to only consider October 7 from a Palestinian-Israeli perspective.

One potential reason for Hamas being armed and confident is due to Iran’s motive to remove the United States from the region. This can be seen through their attacks in Iraq and Syria, with the ultimate goal of completely removing US troops from the area.

Should it remain?

Senator Marco Rubio expressed surprise with a “Huh?”

Should those 2,500 troops remain in the region, in your opinion?


I am convinced of this because their presence is not solely for the counter-ISIS mission. We must remember that this group is still in existence and poses a threat. Additionally, our placement at crucial points along supply routes linking Damascus and Baghdad is a major reason why Iran wants us removed from the area.

If we were absent, these proxy organizations would currently be positioned near the Jordanian border, posing a threat to Jordan and potentially to Israel. I am troubled by the potential for conflict, whether it be from Hezbollah in the northern regions of Israel, developments in Gaza, or events in Yemen. The danger is very tangible and precarious. There is no denying it.


President Biden is currently considering a decision regarding the number of troops that should remain in Iraq.

Senator Mark Warner, a member of the Democratic Party representing Virginia, expresses anticipation for the statements of the individual in question.

However, I believe…

Should they remain?

I believe that at the present time, yes.

Margaret Brennan reports that President Biden is aiming to create a port in Gaza in order to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The exact cost and role of the U.S. military is unclear. Do you believe this is a wise choice?

Senator Mark Warner stated that the United States has consistently been the leading contributor to humanitarian initiatives in the region.

I believe it’s crucial for us to demonstrate this. The method of airlifting supplies is mostly symbolic rather than actually providing relief to the majority of people. As we enter the holy month of Ramadan, it would be the appropriate thing to do in order to ease tensions and also showcase America’s care for the humanitarian issues in the region.

I have one additional point to contribute, as Senator Marco Rubio.

It is crucial to comprehend the reasoning behind this. Everyone supports aiding innocent civilians who become victims of conflicts. It is necessary to fathom the obstacles preventing aid from reaching them. Hamas has constructed a complex network of tunnels, which is quite costly. The price of the materials used is irrelevant.

Constructing this vast network of tunnels is a costly endeavor, with millions of dollars being poured into it. These funds could have been allocated towards boosting the economy, providing sustenance for individuals, and constructing hospitals to serve the community’s needs. However, this was not the chosen course of action.

There is justified concern that any aid provided to Hamas will be misused by the group for their own gain rather than being used to benefit the civilian population. Hamas has a history of disregarding the well-being of civilians and society as a whole.

MARGARET BRENNAN: U.S. Ambassador David Satterfield, who is responsible for the matter, has stated in written correspondence to Congress that there is no evidence of Hamas unlawfully taking aid. Although he is not defending Hamas, he suggests that aid can still be delivered to Gaza without fear of theft by the group.

The problem lies in the…


Senator Marco Rubio: I will reply on a personal level.

It is unclear to me what he is referring to, as Hamas does not have access to food through their own economy. All of Hamas’ resources come from external sources, primarily from Iran. It is apparent that Hamas has been able to function without a stable source of income, relying solely on what they can acquire from others. This seems logical.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Of course. However, at present, is the aid being received?


Senator Mark Warner believes that proper distribution systems are necessary for ensuring food, water, and other relief aid are effectively provided.

However, I share the same opinion as Ambassador Satterfield. However, let’s take a moment to consider this tunnel network that spans nearly 500 kilometers. I don’t believe any of us were prepared for that. Yet, they have managed to secure it.

After approximately 140 days of the invasion, it was believed by many of us in the region that the Israeli Defense Forces would successfully defeat Hamas. However, after this amount of time, they have only managed to eliminate 35 percent of Hamas fighters and have barely made progress in destroying the tunnel network.

We consulted with some of our experts, in order to determine if this situation is indeed the case.


Senator Mark Warner discussed the feasibility of expediting the removal of a tunnel network. While it may have been possible to do so in a shorter amount of time, Hamas impeded progress by using hostages as a deterrent. This serves as a learning experience for future situations.

I believe that the use of drones in Ukraine and the lessons learned from both conflicts will shape our future military doctrine.

MARGARET BRENNAN: When Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, says total victory is within reach, weeks away, you are not describing total victory within weeks.

Senator Mark Warner stated that he has not…

MARGARET BRENNAN: You’re saying the effect is minimal.

Senator Mark Warner stated that he had meetings with individuals from Israel’s military and intelligence community. He expressed doubt about the feasibility of completely eradicating all Hamas fighters.


Do you concur with that?

I believe it is feasible to create a scenario where Hamas is unable to carry out similar actions as they did on October 7.

This does not imply that Hezbollah will not intervene and seize control as a consequence. It also does not guarantee that a new branch of Hamas will not be formed. This remains an ongoing obstacle. Ultimately, the Iranian government is the leader of this entire issue, as they are the ones who supply the weapons and financial support.

There is no case of Hamas fighters or leaders experiencing starvation. They receive nourishment, medical attention, and any other necessary support to sustain their activities.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: We’ll return in one minute with more from our discussion.

Stay with us.


“We inquired of the senators what the top concern for national security in our country is. They provided a lengthy list of potential threats.”

When considering the ultimate difficulty, they both acknowledged that it is China.

(Begin VT)

In a previous conversation, you emphasized that the most pressing issue of our time is the competition with China in the field of technology.

What is the difference in A.I. development between the U.S. and China?

Senator Mark Warner and Senator Rubio have collaborated in a bipartisan effort to caution different industries in the United States about the potential loss of intellectual property, amounting to $500 billion annually. They have also brought attention to China’s investments in cutting-edge fields like quantum computing and bioengineering.

I believe we should strive to outperform that. In regards to artificial intelligence, it presents a slightly better scenario. In the past, there was a belief that the country with the most data, computing power, and engineers would have a clear advantage, but this has not been proven to be true.

The majority of advancements are occurring in our country. If we examine the top A.I. corporations, the vast majority are American. While China holds potential, we possess a strong innovative economy that continues to benefit us greatly.

The Chinese government is hesitant to grant access to large language models to their citizens because it may reveal the truth about the historical events, specifically Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Can you confirm that China is approximately one year behind the United States, as indicated by recent reports, based on the information you have received?

Senator Marco Rubio stated that he is unsure how to describe the duration of time.

I believe the actual problem lies elsewhere. For starters, it’s clear that we are ahead because they copy our things. We have no desire to take their belongings. The fact that they want our things demonstrates that they are of superior quality.

The primary concern is the possible utilization of this concept.

According to Margaret Brennan, China is increasing its budget for military expenditures.

Senator Mark Warner agrees completely.

Can you explain your decision to vote against the national security supplemental, which would have allocated $5 billion to the Indo-Pacific and Taiwan? Do you believe this funding can be delayed?

Marco Rubio, a senator, believes that the matter at hand should not be delayed due to concerns about addressing our border situation.

Can you clarify that the aid to Taiwan is being used as leverage to address the border, and that addressing the border is the first priority?

Senator Marco Rubio said that he would have voted for a bill that allocated funds to Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific as well as to Israel.

However, they are demanding Ukraine as a condition for securing the border. Similarly, they are using funding for Israel as leverage. They refuse to release funding for Israel unless Ukraine is included. I agree with providing assistance to Ukraine, but I believe our top priority should be securing our own border, especially when thousands of unverified individuals are entering the country daily.

It must be given preference. We stressed.

What is the method of providing assistance for handling Taiwan at present?

Senator Marco Rubio urges a vote on a bill regarding Taiwan.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It appears that the amount must be $5 billion on its own…

No, it is not a requirement.

I am in favor of the president’s announcement during the State of the Union, even though we are currently recording this. If he chooses to reinstate the policies that allowed us to detain single adults until their removal proceedings were completed, I will vote in favor of the bill.

MARGARET BRENNAN: However, obtaining a large amount of funding is necessary for this. As you are aware, you would support…

Senator Marco Rubio stated that it does not demand a significant amount of funding, as this is already outlined in the existing laws of the country.

MARGARET BRENNAN: According to border security and ICE, additional funding is needed.

Senator Marco Rubio: Let’s discuss the funding for that.

Margaret Brennan: …and the rest of the government organizations.

Senator Marco Rubio stated that it all begins with the executive order, which enforces our laws. However, the president has refused to do so because it would mean acknowledging that Trump was correct about the border.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Due to this reason…

I am confident that Mark shares the same views as me on everything I have just stated.


In my opinion, I believe that what I am about to say is important.

I love it.

Margaret Brennan: I can tell you’re struggling, but I appreciate it.

Senator Mark Warner stated, “I would like to reiterate my viewpoint.”


The situation at the border is chaotic, according to Senator Mark Warner.


Senator Mark Warner stated that there are specific actions the president has the power to enact through executive order.

The president claims that the border is not properly secured.

Senator Mark Warner revisited President Trump’s statement.

The President expressed his desire to modify the law in order to have increased capabilities.


Senator Mark Warner respectfully believes that Senator Lankford’s proposal for a border deal is the strongest that could be approved by the current and future Congress, unless there is a significant shift in the composition of either political party.

In my opinion, politics involves making decisions based on what is feasible. This deal seems to be a favorable one. Furthermore, I share Marco’s belief that we should provide financial support to China and Taiwan. Both humanitarian aid and assistance for Israel are necessary.

I have been concerned about the potential repercussions of abandoning Ukraine at this crucial point. Over the past two years, Ukraine has made significant progress in reducing Russian ground forces, with support from both the US and Europe and at a relatively low cost to our defense budget (less than 3 percent). This includes a reduction of 87 percent of pre-invasion ground forces, 63 percent of tanks, and 32 percent of armored personnel carriers. Failing to support Ukraine at this critical juncture would damage our reputation and trust from the rest of the world.

This concept of authoritarian countries keeping an eye on each other means that if anyone views Xi as a danger, and if they do not believe so, and if President Putin is successful in Ukraine, it will potentially endanger NATO and American soldiers. Xi will learn from this.

I believe there is a significant connection. If we do not uphold this commitment, it would be a grave error, as significant as some of the mistakes made before World War II.

What is your reply to that?

Marco Rubio, a senator, stated that there are 7.2 million individuals who have resided in the United States in the past three years.

We are unsure about the identities of some of them. In response to a wave of migrant-related crime, the city of New York has deployed National Guard troops to the streets. However, this issue is also prevalent within our own community.

I believe it is important to approach Americans and state our focus will be addressing issues within our own country first and foremost. My only request is that this be given equal priority…

Reporter Margaret Brennan inquired about President Biden’s actions.

Senator Marco Rubio stated that he wanted to discuss the current global actions being taken.

Margaret Brennan: Tomorrow, she announced plans to take immediate action in response to the emergency.

Senator Marco Rubio has previously mentioned that he may consider doing so.

Margaret Brennan: Could you argue that the $60 billion allocated for Ukraine is essentially a replication of the remain-in-Mexico approach?

Senator Marco Rubio confirmed, “Yes, that is my statement. I have continuously stated this from the start.”

Starting in mid-January 2021, there has been a surge of migrants entering the country because they predicted that by arriving, they would be allowed to remain. The majority of them, around 85 to 90 percent, were correct in their calculations.


Senator Marco Rubio stated that this is causing an increase in people migrating to the area, which is not feasible to maintain.

I believe that the majority of Americans, and evidence from polling supports this, acknowledge that there is an issue at the border that needs to be addressed. However, you are currently connecting them.

Senator Marco Rubio stated that there is no difference between those who are connecting assistance to Israel and assistance to Ukraine.

Margaret Brennan: All right, because…

Senator Marco Rubio stated that the reason for not voting for an independent Israel bill is that they only want to do so if the Ukraine issue is also addressed. He emphasized that he will not support action on Ukraine unless America’s border is effectively secured.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator, you have co-led an initiative with Senator Kaine on a nonpartisan basis to prevent any single president from independently withdrawing from NATO.


Rewritten: Margaret Brennan asked if the writing was specifically directed towards Donald Trump, as he is the only president she can remember who has made threats.

Senator Marco Rubio stated that he wrote it, not someone else.

MARGARET BRENNAN: …to exit the NATO alliance.

Senator Marco Rubio: I authored it, and I cannot speak for Senator Kaine’s position.

I composed it with the conviction that it is a crucial partnership. Without NATO’s existence, we would need to establish it. This is one of our key advantages on the global stage, as China, Russia, and Iran do not possess such alliances.

I, along with others, believe that Congress has a responsibility in determining if we should withdraw from that. However, I must clarify that despite criticism suggesting otherwise, I recognize that Donald Trump does not speak like a member of the Council on Foreign Relations when discussing these matters.

I observed an increase in troop numbers in Poland, firsthand.

MARGARET BRENNAN: He was attempting to reduce troops stationed in Germany and…

Senator Marco Rubio: To rise in Poland.

MARGARET BRENNAN: … rotate into Poland. President Biden reversed that.

Senator Marco Rubio stated that he does not think Donald Trump will take us out of NATO. However, he believes that, like other past American presidents, Trump will ask for other NATO countries to contribute more in an unorthodox manner.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Our discussion will resume shortly, please stay tuned.


Margaret Brennan: During the night, the United States military removed certain diplomatic staff from their embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and sent in Marines to increase security at the location. This was done in response to the danger posed by well-armed gangs who currently control most of the city.

We will return in 60 seconds.


MARGARET BRENNAN: It’s great to have you back on FACE THE NATION.

We are continuing our discussion with Senator Mark Warner and Vice Chair Marco Rubio of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

(Begin VT)

Margaret Brennan stated, “If I had the ability to -“

Senator Marco Rubio stated that he is opposed to it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I am aware. You maintain that position consistently.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator Warner, the Biden campaign has become a part of TikTok.

Senator Mark Warner expressed concerns about the potential risks posed by TikTok, as it is owned by a Chinese entity and collects data from its users. He also noted that the Biden administration previously supported a bipartisan bill that could lead to banning TikTok. Additionally, Warner mentioned that many young Americans rely on TikTok as a source of news.

According to Margaret Brennan, 170 million Americans are currently utilizing it.

Senator Mark Warner expressed concern about the potential for the Chinese Communist Party to manipulate algorithms in order to control the news shared through social media. He also compared this to the US government’s restrictions on Chinese ownership of media companies. Warner believes that this is a matter of national security.

Senator Marco Rubio expresses concerns about the potential risks of using TikTok, citing the platform’s strong algorithm owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. According to Chinese law, ByteDance must have ownership of this algorithm, which relies on data access. The danger of TikTok is not simply limited to users posting questionable content, but rather the control and access to data that the platform’s algorithm provides.

The specific location and ownership of the company that acquires TikTok does not impact the issue at hand. As long as engineers at ByteDance in China can access and control the data and algorithm, they will also have access to American data in order for the app to function. This is the important truth that needs to be addressed.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you approve of this House bill?

Senator Mark Warner believes that there is a lot of innovative content on TikTok. He believes that if the algorithm was adjusted, similar to how it would be for a company from Brazil, France, or Canada, it wouldn’t bother him as much.

Senator Marco Rubio says that he has not thoroughly read the details yet, so he cannot provide complete information. He also admits that it is a complicated matter to solve. However, the main concern is determining who owns the algorithm, since the owner of the algorithm will also have access to the data. This is an important factor to consider.

cannot reword


Senator Mark Warner expressed concern about the type of information that could potentially be seen and utilized as a powerful propaganda tool.

Margaret Brennan: During a time of elections.

During an election year, the danger is often overlooked.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator Warner, in reference to foreign interference, you stated recently that we are not as equipped in 2024 as we were in 2020. What specific concerns do you have?

Senator Mark Warner states that nation states, such as China, Iran, and Russia, are aware that tampering with our elections is a cost-efficient tactic. Additionally, there is a growing number of Americans who have lost faith in our institutions, including the voting system, for various reasons. There was a recent court case in the Fifth Circuit that limited communication between social media and the FBI or SISA. This combination of factors, along with the advancements in artificial intelligence, which can create deep fakes or manipulate recordings at an unprecedented speed and magnitude, creates an unpredictable and evolving situation.

SENATOR MARCO RUBIO: It’s the area of maligned influence, right? What are the issues that already divide Americans? So, let’s amplify messages that put them at each other’s throat, that makes their politics even more conflictive. We already do a pretty good job of it on our own. Help us do that. And that doesn’t just deal with elections. We’re beyond just election interference with malign influence. It’s now an effort to influence our policy debates, to divide us year-round.


Senator Marco Rubio explains that countries like Russia and China have been influencing the political debates and tensions in America for a long time. Iran and other nations are also starting to engage in this type of behavior, which is a growing threat to democracy. It’s important to have open discussions about this issue so everyone understands the concept and how it goes beyond just hacking ballot boxes, but also includes manipulating people’s minds and exacerbating tensions to create chaos.

It is uncertain how individuals can defend themselves against the scenario you just described.

Senator Marco Rubio stresses the importance of being aware and recognizing that some online messages may not be accurate. These posts could be old videos from another place or time, and their sole purpose is often to provoke anger.

And, you know, algorithms feed this because people love content that shows something outrageous and more people will view it, so it’s easy to push this. And before you know it, people are out there voting and at each other’s throat over something that may not even be real.

What is the largest potential problem for election night?

Senator Mark Warner expressed concern about the dangers involved and acknowledged the responsibility to take action. He encouraged others to also support the initiative. At a gathering in Munich, twenty technology companies pledged to implement watermarking as a means to indicate any modifications or the presence of deep fakes in content.

Is that enough?

Senator Mark Warner stated that although the responsible party has promised to remove it, it is currently not mandatory. Therefore, it is important to continue advocating for action to be taken.

In my opinion, the administration should be more proactive and we need to improve our efforts. Four years ago, during President Trump’s term, people may have been more attentive to the need for educating about new technologies, such as deep fakes. It is important to remember not to believe everything we see and hear.

(End VT)

You can find our complete dialogue with the senators on our website and YouTube channel.

We will return shortly.


MARGARET BRENNAN: We turn now to the House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who joins us from Brooklyn, New York.

Welcome back.

Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York states, “It is a pleasure to be here with you this morning.”

MARGARET BRENNAN: Representative Jeffries, our most recent CBS poll reveals a four-point advantage for Donald Trump compared to Joe Biden. Despite this, Mr. Biden has not secured full support from his strong base of Democratic voters. While Biden is ahead of Trump among black voters, 76 to 23, the essential Democratic demographic that he won with near 90 percent in 2020 appears less enthusiastic. What steps can President Biden take to address this issue?

Representative Hakeem Jeffries expressed confidence that in the upcoming November elections, the majority of African Americans, Caribbean Americans, and black voters across the nation will support President Biden. He acknowledged the fluctuation in polling but emphasized that President Biden has consistently delivered on issues important to these communities, such as record low black unemployment, increased investment in historically black colleges, and support for small businesses and entrepreneurship. Jeffries also noted the continuation of efforts initiated by former President Barack Obama and highlighted Biden’s vision for a future economy that is inclusive and benefits the middle class, including continued growth in African American home ownership.

Margaret Brennan: The State of the Union Address gave us a glimpse of that vision, but we rarely hear from the president on many of these topics.

Rev. Al Sharpton stated in an interview with “The Washington Post” that the campaign should put in more effort to highlight the contrast between the two older, Caucasian candidates. He urged for an increase in advertising budget and promoting the accomplishments outlined in the campaign.

Is that the case? What is causing people to lack enthusiasm?

As I travel across the country and spend time in my district in Brooklyn, I see a strong level of excitement for President Joe Biden. This support is continuing to grow. President Biden gave a powerful State of the Union Address, displaying strength, seriousness, and substance. He clearly outlined his vision of moving America forward in an inclusive and enlightened manner, in contrast to the extreme MAGA Republicans who are pushing for regressive policies. They want to go back in time, removing reproductive freedoms, voting rights, and changing Social Security and Medicare. In comparison, President Biden stands on the correct side of these issues.

According to Margaret Brennan, they have stated that they do not intend to pursue that course of action.

Hakeem Jeffries: In alignment with the American people’s perspectives on those matters.

Can you please rephrase the following text message?

MARGARET BRENNAN: According to our polls, the majority of voters believe that Biden’s policies will result in a higher number of migrants trying to cross the border compared to Trump’s policies. In New York State, there was a recent election in which Tom Suozzi, who ran on stronger border stances, was victorious. He referred to the situation as an invasion. Are you in support of using this language and do you think Democrats should also utilize it?

Representative Hakeem Jeffries praised Tom Suozzi for running an effective campaign that focused on connecting with voters and proposing practical solutions for the issues facing Americans. As Democrats, they acknowledge the flaws in the current immigration system and recognize the need to tackle the challenges at the border, which President Biden has also emphasized.

Tom Suozzi joined in discussions with Republican lawmakers who opted to reject their own legislation on border policies under pressure from Donald Trump. The president seems to prioritize political maneuvering over finding solutions to the issues at the border. Suozzi emphasized his backing of a bipartisan bill being worked on in the Senate.


According to Hakeem Jeffries, the decision made by Republicans to walk away from it was what ultimately determined the outcome of the campaign.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It wasn’t just the procedure. He utilized the term “invasion”, and spoke with a much more forceful tone. Should Democrats aim to campaign with a more aggressive stance on immigration? It should be noted that the influx of migrants is anticipated to increase in the upcoming months, making this a persistent campaign topic.

I do not believe that “invasion” is an appropriate term. I am unsure if it was used or the intended meaning. However, I am aware that Tom Suozzi shared his belief of America being a country formed by immigrants, citing his own family’s journey from Italy.

During this same time frame, we must address the difficulties that arise at the border while also acknowledging that our nation operates under the guiding principle of the rule of law. This is something we are capable of and should strive to achieve simultaneously.

BRENNAN: Alright. The legislation in the Senate does not include protections for Dreamers. The House speaker has stated that the bill would not be considered, even if it did pass the Senate.

Let’s shift to another topic that is currently facing inactivity in Congress – providing aid to Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian government, their supply of ammunition will run out in April. You are hoping to secure the $95 billion aid package from the Senate and pass it through the House. However, there is no set date for this to happen, and Speaker Johnson has not shown commitment to do so. Do you think there is another solution to this issue? Can you assure Joe Biden, who emphasized this issue in the State of the Union, that you will be able to follow through on it?

Lawmaker Hakeem Jeffries believes that there is no need for an alternative option because the Senate has already passed a well-rounded, bipartisan national security bill. All that is needed now is a simple yes or no vote in the House of Representatives. It is widely known in Washington that the bill has overwhelming support and is expected to receive at least 300 votes, ensuring the protection of America’s national security.

There is currently no set date for that to occur, according to Margaret Brennan.

HAKEEM JEFFRIES: And to support our democratic allies in Ukraine and Israel, humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians who are in harm’s way, support our allies in the Indo-Pacific. That’s a question for Mike Johnson, when he knows that the House has the votes to act on America’s national security interests.

The cause for the lack of progress is due to a group within the Republican Party that supports Putin, headed by Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. They are preventing the passing of this legislation, which is disgraceful.

MARGARET BRENNAN: If Speaker Johnson votes, will you defend him against a motion to remove him? Can you stop him from being expelled?

I have not discussed this with the rest of the group, but I have noticed that there are many members who do not think that the speaker should be penalized if they make the right decision.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It appears that the answer is affirmative.

Thank you, Leader, for taking the time to meet this morning.

Return all notifications and comments: “And FACE THE NATION will resume shortly.”


Margaret Brennan welcomes Gary Cohn, Vice Chairman of IBM and former top economic adviser to President Trump at the White House.

Welcome back.

It is a pleasure to be present, I am Gary Cohn, the vice chairman of IBM.

Can we discuss the economy and President Biden’s tax plans, given your role as the architect of the tax policy?

Tax rates for most Americans could go up as soon as December of 2025 because that’s just an expiration date unless Congress acts. Secretary Yellen said if Biden wins re-election he’ll seek tax cut extensions only for people earning less than $400,000 a year. What do you think of that plan?

In 2017, the tax code was revised and the personal side of it will expire on December 31, 2025. From January 1, 2026 onwards, we will go back to the complex tax code that existed in 2017. It included various personal deductions such as itemized deductions and SALT deductions, and also raised tax rates.

MARGARET BRENNAN: State and local taxes.

Gary Cohn stated that while tax rates were increased, the revenue was offset by eliminating tax loopholes.

We aimed to streamline and eliminate tax loopholes that are commonly exploited by wealthy individuals in the US. Our goal was to create a fairer tax code, which data indicates has been achieved. When analyzing the distribution of tax payments in the country, it is evident that the bottom half of earners contribute 2.3 percent while the top 10 percent contribute over 70 percent.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It appears that this is in direct contrast to what President Biden stated in the State of the Union, as he specifically called out billionaires for paying a lower tax rate than teachers. He has suggested implementing a minimum tax of 25 percent for billionaires. What is your reaction to this proposal?

GARY COHN: Let me clarify, the term “billionaire” refers to the amount of assets a person has, not their taxable income. It is possible for someone to be a billionaire and have no taxable income, just as it is possible for someone with a lower net worth to have a high taxable income. Keeping this in mind, we need to consider the full scope of a person’s financial situation when evaluating their actions or beliefs.

Margaret Brennan: Perhaps you are simply in possession of valuable assets.

GARY COHN: You’re simply holding onto resources.


Gary Cohn said that an individual could have both illiquid assets and liquid assets.

In this country, we have a efficient system for taxing income, which is outlined in the Constitution. All income is subject to taxes, unless you invest in a tax-exempt bond which has a minimum tax rate of 20 percent. This includes income from interest, dividends, and capital gains. Therefore, even the wealthiest individuals in this country are paying a minimum of 20 percent in taxes on their income.

MARGARET BRENNAN: President Trump is capitalizing on the belief that the wealthy have an unfair advantage and that corporations are exploiting the average person. In his speech, he also used the analogy of getting 10% less snickers in a bag to illustrate this point.

GARY COHN: Yes, he did. He certainly did.

MARGARET BRENNAN: In other words, he believes you’re being swindled. What is your opinion on that concept and the justification he is providing for why individuals are facing rising prices despite the declining rate?

GARY COHN: Well, let’s – let’s talk about inflation for a minute because I think they’re really important concepts for everyone to understand. Inflation has a compounding effect. Meaning, as you look at inflation year over year you’re adding up those numbers. You’re not starting at a zero every year.


Gary Cohn explains that the effects of inflation can be significant. Using an example, he shows that the inflation rate of 4 percent from one year and 7 percent from the following year add up to a total of 10 percent. This means that a basket of groceries that cost $100 at the beginning of 2020 would now cost over $125 due to the cumulative impact of inflation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, when people are being told, consumers, you’re wrong, inflation’s heading – no, they’re right, it is actually more expensive.

According to Gary Cohn, it is true that wage growth has finally outpaced inflation, which is a positive development that had not been seen until recent months.


Gary Cohn stated that individuals were experiencing a decrease in their ability to buy goods and services, leading to frustration. Additionally, the high interest rates made it difficult for people to purchase homes even if they had saved money, further adding to their frustration. This meant that the cost of living was becoming increasingly pricey, and investing in their future through buying a home seemed almost impossible.

Margaret Brennan: President Trump, who is now a former president, has been actively campaigning and discussing the frustrations that consumers are facing. I would like to focus on his proposal about implementing tariffs, specifically the suggestion of imposing them at a rate of 60 percent on goods from China. Last night, he provided more details about this plan.


“I, DONALD TRUMP, (a Republican and previous President of the United States, as well as a candidate for the 2024 presidential election), propose that if China or any other nation imposes a tariff or tax on us, let’s say 100 or 200 percent, we will respond with a similar tariff of 100 or 200 percent. This could be seen as a tit-for-tat approach, where both parties are held accountable and ultimately satisfied.”


Could this negatively impact consumers, as you have previously stated that Trump’s tariffs under the previous administration were harmful?

Gary Cohn explains that a tariff is a tax that is paid by the importer at the US border and is ultimately passed on to consumers as a consumption tax within the United States.

Let’s make some adjustments to my previous statement. If these products were made in the United States, and we are implementing a tax to shield our own manufacturers from competition with China’s lower prices due to their lack of fair wages, healthcare, and required capital return, I support the idea of the president, presidential nominee, or any other relevant person implementing the tariff. However, imposing tariffs on items that are not made in our country and are necessary for daily consumption by citizens will significantly raise inflation and drastically affect our economy.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Therefore, when discussing tariffs on Mexico or other countries, are you suggesting that it will result in higher prices for consumers?

If you make a purchase of a baby stroller or baby formula that currently costs x, and it is now subject to a 60% increase at the border, GARY COHN gives you updates and comments.


GARY COHN: Ultimately, the consumer is the one bearing the cost of those tariffs. It is not being absorbed by anyone else. Furthermore, purchasing those goods will lead to inflation in the economy.

Brennan: As someone from the business world participating in this election, there is an assumption that the business community will support Trump. Do you have any concerns about his actions, such as hosting autocrats like Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago this past week?

Gary Cohn stated that the business community is still open to new ideas and policies. He believes that the community is eager to learn more about the various policies, such as taxes, that are being proposed.

Margaret Brennan: Yes.

Gary Cohn expressed concern about the long-term effects of tax policies and energy policy. He raised the question of what changes can be expected by 2025.


“The topic of business is crucial as it is a major consumer of energy. Additionally, the impact of AI on electricity consumption cannot be ignored. This will greatly alter our country’s demand profile. What plans are in place for the southern border?”


GARY COHN: Immigration within the bounds of the law. Our country requires workers with specialized skills.


Gary Cohn stated that 2 million skilled workers should be brought into the country, and this will be a significant factor in how the business community votes based on the candidates’ platforms.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, if I understand correctly, you are still undecided and willing to consider voting for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

Based on the aforementioned policies, I believe the corporate community will be greatly affected as these are the key factors that drive their company operations.

I am capable of incorporating regulations, merging, consolidating, and buying back stock. These actions greatly affect the corporate world’s perception of campaigns.

According to President Biden, unions, not Wall Street, are responsible for building America. However, he also added that Wall Street is not entirely to blame. Therefore, President Biden does not consider Gary to be a bad person.

GARY COHN: I am grateful for that. I am grateful for that.

Is there a need for outreach in addition to just rhetoric? Or is the outcome ultimately based on monetary considerations?

Gary Cohn expressed the need for outreach in the current administration, which he believes is hindering business growth and job creation. As part of the 2017 tax plan, companies were required to bring back their earnings from offshore and many are looking to reinvest this capital in the United States. They want to ensure that the regulatory environment is favorable for investment and will provide a return for their shareholders. This ultimately leads to job creation.

Unfortunately, we have run out of time. Thank you for joining us, Gary Cohn.

GARY COHN: I appreciate the invitation to be here.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We’ll be back in a moment.


We have come to the end of our show for today. Thank you for tuning in. See you next week for another episode of FACE THE NATION. This is Margaret Brennan signing off.

Source: cbsnews.com