Haley plans to release an advertisement that focuses on President Trump’s handling of the North Korea relationship and the case of American hostage Otto Warmbier.

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, has launched a three-minute TV commercial just before the New Hampshire primary for her presidential campaign.
criticizing ex-President Donald Trump
Cindy Warmbier’s testimony is featured in an advertisement criticizing the way the U.S. dealt with North Korea and the situation of her son, Otto Warmbier.
American college student Otto Warmbier
In 2016, North Korea held a person hostage. Following a lengthy and difficult discussion between the government and the United States, this individual was freed but unfortunately passed away shortly after being released while in a coma.
The advertisement includes the speech given by Warmbier’s mother during Haley’s campaign launch in February 2023.
Trump’s “friendly” approach to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Haley’s presidential campaign stated that Donald Trump played a significant part in bringing Otto’s remains back to the United States and ensuring that North Korea was held responsible. However, his stance changed when he developed a fondness for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
In 2019, Trump made a statement expressing that he did not hold Kim responsible for the death of Otto Warmbier, causing widespread anger and shock.
“Otto experienced some extremely unfortunate events, really, really awful ones. However, [Kim] assures me that he was unaware of them, and I will trust his statement.”
This release of the ad is another attempt to criticize Trump.Haley fights
She aims to bridge the divide for New Hampshire’s primary and directly confronts Trump, referring to it as a “head-to-head competition.”
Source: cbsnews.com