Iran’s first parliamentary election since the widespread protests of 2022 is taking place, amidst calls for people to refuse to participate.
2016, when the country
On Friday, Iran conducted its first parliamentary election since 2016.mass 2022 protests
The discussion about mandatory laws regarding wearing hijab has sparked controversy.
The passing of Mahsa Amini
There seems to be a small number of participants involved due to widespread boycott calls.
The reason for the low turnout at polling stations in the Islamic Republic is uncertain. It could be due to disinterest among voters or a deliberate effort to protest against Iran’s government. While state television showcased long queues of voters, many people in Tehran witnessed mostly vacant polling stations.
Leaders such as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, attempted to connect participation with openly opposing enemies of Iran. Some, such as the Nobel Peace Prize winner who is currently in jail, also made this connection.Narges Mohammadi
They called for a boycott of a vote that they criticized as a “mockery.”
country’s arming of militia proxies in the Middle East and Russia in its war on Ukraine.
Several voters recognized the difficulties confronting the Islamic Republic.
Sajjad, a voter who only shared her last name, expressed her frustrations with the abundance of problems. She stated that she and others are deeply saddened and critical of the situation. Hopefully, those in charge will take notice and work towards finding a solution.
At the age of 84, Khamenei participated in one of the initial voting sessions for the election that will also determine the new members of the country’s Assembly of Experts. This group of religious leaders, who hold an eight-year term, is responsible for selecting a successor to the supreme leader in the event of Khamenei’s retirement or death, highlighting its growing significance due to Khamenei’s advanced age.
Khamenei cast his vote while surrounded by a group of reporters in Tehran. His left hand trembled slightly as he retrieved his ballot from his paralyzed right hand, a result of a bombing in 1981. A woman, who was filming Khamenei with her mobile phone, can be seen crying nearby in the footage shown on state television.
Sobhan Farajvan/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images
He encouraged individuals to participate in the voting process during his concise statement.
He advised, “Be mindful of this and bring joy to your friendships while dispelling the negativity of those who wish harm upon you.”
Khamenei’s ally, staunch supporter.President Ebrahim Raisi
The statement was reiterated and the people were encouraged to make it a successful day for the people of Iran.
However, voter participation in Tehran seemed to be low, with the state-owned polling center ISPA predicting a turnout of only 23.5%. ISPA’s delay in releasing election data until Thursday was highly unusual, as they usually publish their figures much earlier.
The polling conducted by ISPA surveyed 5,121 individuals eligible to vote and projected a 38.5% overall turnout. The survey also stated a 2% margin of error.
That could put turnout on track to be its lowest ever. The lowest previous came in the last parliamentary election in 2020, which saw a 42% turnout.
The recent boycott demands have once again placed the government under pressure. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s government has relied on election turnout as a form of legitimacy.
On Friday, at a polling location in Tehran, a younger woman entered without a hijab while her mother, who was wearing one, also entered. No comments were made by officials or police present at the time.
Zohreh, who identified herself by her first name, shared that she went with her mother to vote in order to remind the authorities about the previous year’s crackdown. Her mother voted for a moderate candidate in their district, but Zohreh chose not to participate in the voting process.
Ali, a college student from Tehran, informed CBS News that he will not be participating in the election because he believes it will not have any impact. He stated that, in his opinion, the election is merely a facade arranged by the government in an attempt to portray its legitimacy to the rest of the world.
In Iran, there are currently no unbiased organizations that conduct polls, making it impossible to accurately gauge the level of public support or disapproval towards the government.
Meanwhile, a heavy security presence could be seen across the capital, with ordinary and anti-riot police officers visible in main squares and junctions. Some 200,000 security forces have been deployed across the country as over 59,000 polling stations opened. Another 1 million people reportedly are running the election, home to some 85 million people.
An approximate calculation suggests that the number of individuals eligible to vote is 61 million.
/ Getty Images
The term of Parliament lasts for four years and five positions are designated for religious minorities in Iran. As outlined by law, Parliament has authority over the executive branch, decides on treaties, and addresses other concerns. However, in reality, ultimate authority in Iran lies with the supreme leader.
“In the last twenty years, hard-line individuals have dominated the parliament, often shouting “Death to America” during discussions.”
In 2020, under the leadership of Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, a former Revolutionary Guard general who was involved in a brutal suppression of Iranian university students in 1999, the legislature passed a bill that significantly restricted Tehran’s collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog.
In 2018, the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, made the decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal with other world leaders. This caused ongoing tensions in the Middle East.
Iran has enriched a significant amount of uranium.
With an unprecedented level of purity, there is enough fuel to produce “multiple” nuclear weapons if desired.
In recent times, the parliament has directed its attention towards matters concerning…, has been a contentious issue for years, with some Iranian women protesting against the government’s strict dress code
The requirement of wearing a head covering, known as hijab, in Iran has sparked controversy for a long time. Some women in Iran have even participated in demonstrations to oppose the government’s strict dress regulations.
, for females post-2022
The passing of Amini, a 22-year-old individual, while in the custody of police.
, causing demonstrations throughout the country.
news report
The demonstrations rapidly intensified as demands arose to overthrow the religious leaders in power in Iran. A subsequent news story
security crackdown killed
There are over 500 individuals and a total of more than 22,000 people who have been arrested.
The voting period was prolonged by six hours, with polling locations closing at midnight in the local time zone. The first election outcomes are anticipated to be announced as soon as Saturday.
Source: cbsnews.com