Police say Russian “spy whale” in Norway wasn’t shot to death, as animal rights groups claimed
There’s no evidence that a well-known beluga whale that lived off Norway’s coast and whose harness ignited speculation it was a Russian spy was shot to death last month as claimed by animal rights groups, Norwegian police said Monday.
The tame beluga, which was first spotted in 2019 not far from Russian waters with a harness reading “Equipment St. Petersburg,” was found floating at the Risavika Bay in southern Norway on Aug. 31.
Experts examined the carcass at a nearby harbor, after lifting it with a crane.
statement after Hvaldimir was found dead. “We are angry, too, as we have had to fight so hard, for so long to help him out of danger. And he was finally so close to having a better life.”
The 4.2-meter (14-foot) long and 1,225-kilogram (2,700-pound) whale was first spotted by fishermen near the northern island of Ingoeya, not far from the Arctic town of Hammerfest.
Its harness, along with what appeared to be a mount for a small camera, led to media speculation that it was a “spy whale.” Over the years since 2019, it was seen in several Norwegian coastal towns and it became clear it was very tame and enjoyed interacting with people.
The Russian military has a history of trying to weaponize sea mammals, CBS News previously reported. Last year, British military spies said Russia appeared to be training combat dolphins to counter Ukrainian forces.
Linn Saether / AP
Source: cbsnews.com