Python squeezes Thai woman in her kitchen for 2 hours before she's rescued by police

Python squeezes Thai woman in her kitchen for 2 hours before she’s rescued by police

Bangkok — A 64-year-old woman was preparing to do her evening dishes at her home outside Bangkok when she felt a sharp pain in her thigh and looked down to see a huge python taking hold of her.

“I was about to scoop some water and when I sat down it bit me immediately,” Arom Arunroj told Thailand’s Thairath newspaper. “When I looked I saw the snake wrapping around me.”

The 13-to-16-foot-long python coiled itself around her torso, squeezing her down to the floor of her kitchen.

Attacks on humans are not common, though do happen occasionally.

There have also been fatal attacks in Indonesia, where a woman was found inside the belly of a reticulated python that swallowed her whole in June — the fifth person to be devoured by one of the snakes in the country since 2017.

