Schumer to bring up vote on gun bump stocks ban after Supreme Court decision

Biden urges Congress to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling
Washington — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Sunday that he plans to bring up a vote this week on restoring a ban on bump stocks, devices that greatly increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic weapons, after the Supreme Court invalidated a federal rule that outlawed the device days ago.
Caling the Supreme Court a “MAGA court” and saying they have “gone off the edges of the far right yet again,” Schumer said Sunday at a news conference that he plans to bring up a vote on restoring the bump stock ban under unanimous consent, which could be blocked by opposition from just a single lawmaker.
Schumer called the ban “common sense,” saying the Senate can help restore the “public safety rule,” while urging Republicans to join him to “protect the American people.”
Kaia Hubbard
Source: cbsnews.com