Senator Tim Scott announces his support for Trump during a rally in New Hampshire, just days before the key primary.
On Friday, Republican Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina declared his support for former President Donald Trump, supporting him as a potential nominee for the 2024 election, despite previously being rivals. This endorsement comes just days before the New Hampshire primary.
Scott joined Trump on a trip to New Hampshire and publicly endorsed him at a rally in Concord on Friday evening.
Scott addressed the crowd, stating the importance of having Donald Trump as our president. He emphasized the need for a leader who can bring our nation together.
On Friday, a video was shared on X featuring Trump’s plane in the background.
Scott exclaimed, “I am eagerly anticipating the announcement tonight. Simply tune in, stay focused, listen carefully, and then we can discuss the next four years.”
The senator
He withdrew his offer.
In November 2023, the individual who aimed for the White House was unsuccessful in gaining support in the polls. They stated they had no intention of publicly supporting any specific candidate.
Scott’s endorsement of Trump is a setback for Nikki Haley, who selected him to serve in the Senate in 2013 while she was governor of South Carolina. Haley is counting on a successful performance in the New Hampshire primary, which takes place on January 23rd.
A representative from the Haley campaign responded to the announcement of Scott’s endorsement, stating that it indicated Trump’s alliance with “established politicians in Washington.”
The spokesperson noted that it is intriguing how Trump is aligning himself with the same Washington insiders he once vowed to remove. They added, “But ultimately, the men will act as they see fit.”
On Friday, The New York Times was the first to report that Scott would be supporting Trump.
The endorsement will further fuel rumors that the ex-president may select the senator as his potential vice president. It has been reported that Trump is also considering and openly discussing other Republican figures such as Rep. Elise Stefanik from New York, Gov. Kristi Noem from South Dakota, Gov. Doug Burgum from North Dakota, and Haley.
According to a count by CBS News, Scott, the lone African American senator representing the Republican party, is the 25th member of the Senate to support the former president’s potential 2024 campaign. As a result of his endorsement, Trump now has the backing of over half of the current Republican senators.
Reporting was contributed by Olivia Rinaldi, Allison Novelo, and Fin Gómez.
Source: cbsnews.com