State of the Union highlights and key moments from Biden's 2024 address

State of the Union highlights and key moments from Biden’s 2024 address

Washington — President Biden delivered his third by Barack Obama on January 20, 2009

“Barack Obama delivered a speech on January 20, 2009 known as the State of the Union address.”

On Thursday, the President delivered a speech to Congress in which he passionately defended his actions and achievements, displaying strong and confident demeanor unlike any other during his term.

He compared his vision for the country with that of “my predecessor,” meaning former President Donald Trump who is likely to win the Republican nomination. Without explicitly mentioning him, Mr. Biden condemned Trump for the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, his stance on Roe v. Wade, his economic performance, and his rejection of a bipartisan border security bill that failed to pass in Congress earlier this year.

During a pivotal moment, Mr. Biden delivered a strong and assertive speech in response to growing concerns about his age and capabilities. He spoke for over an hour, remaining composed and addressing interruptions from legislators. He stayed in the House chamber well past the conclusion of his speech, engaging with and taking photos with Democratic colleagues.

Biden opens State of the Union address with focus on democracy


“I would head home if I were intelligent,” Mr. Biden jokingly said at the start of his speech.

Afterwards, he became more solemn and quickly heightened the importance of the election, addressing those gathered in the House chamber that Americans are currently “confronting a never-before-seen moment in the history of our country.”

President Biden stated that he entered the House chamber with the intention of stirring up Congress and informing the American people that this is a critical moment.

The leader cautioned that the United States has not faced such a threat to freedom and democracy since the time of President Abraham Lincoln. However, Mr. Biden also noted that what sets this moment apart is the simultaneous assault on freedom and democracy both domestically and abroad.

He shifted the conversation to matters of international relations and called for legislators to approve aid for Ukraine to aid in its defense against Russia. Mr. Biden made his initial criticism towards Trump, condemning the former president’s approach to Russian President Vladimir Putin and accusing him of submitting to the Russian leader.

“The president stated that it is unacceptable, dangerous, and outrageous.”

“You cannot only have patriotism when you are victorious, it must be constant.”

Biden reminded legislators that the attention of history is upon them, similar to the events of three years ago on January 6th, when a group of individuals instigated an insurrection at the Capitol and threatened the foundations of American democracy.

The speaker observed that numerous legislators in attendance had also been there on January 6th, 2021, during which a large group of individuals supporting Trump forcefully entered the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the transition of power.

On January 6th, false claims about the 2020 election and attempts to steal it were deemed the most dangerous challenge to democracy since the Civil War. However, they were unsuccessful. The speaker asserted that previous leaders and some present individuals are trying to hide the reality of Jan. 6, but they will not do so. This is the time to speak the truth and put an end to the falsehoods. The bottom line is that one cannot claim love for their country only when they come out on top.

A heated discussion about immigration: “Deliver the border legislation to me immediately!”

Biden condemns the refusal of Republicans to accept a border agreement.

One of the most controversial moments of the evening occurred when the president addressed the topic of immigration. He urged Republican legislators to back a bill that would enhance security at the U.S.-Mexico border. The bill was delayed last month after Trump expressed his opposition to it. Some Republicans have voiced their reluctance to give Mr. Biden a win on this issue before the election.

Mr. Biden stated that his predecessor had contacted Senate members and urged them to reject the bill. The president believes that Congressional Republicans have a responsibility to pass the proposal for the sake of the American people.

He stated, “We have the option to argue over the border or solve it. I am willing to take action to resolve it. Please send me the legislation for the border.”

According to Mr. Biden, the bill received support from both the Border Patrol Union and Chamber of Commerce, causing Republicans to shout.

“He advised me to consider the evidence, stating that I am capable of reading.”

According to Mr. Biden, Trump should ask lawmakers to support the compromise instead of engaging in political tactics.

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia responded to his remarks with jeers. This caused President Biden to deviate from his planned speech and offer his sympathies to the parents of Laken Riley, a nursing student from Georgia who was tragically killed last month. The suspect in her murder is a Venezuelan immigrant who entered the country without proper documentation in September 2022. Republican legislators have emphasized this case heavily.

Mr. Biden held up a button with Riley’s name that Greene handed him when he walked into the Senate chamber. He referred to Riley as an “innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal,” and said “my heart goes out to” her family.

Regarding abortion and the case of Roe v. Wade: “[Trump] is the cause for its overturning, and he boastfully mentions it.”

Biden urges for federal legislation ensuring access to IVF across the country.

The issue of reproductive rights and abortion, a major weakness for Republicans in the upcoming general election, was heavily addressed by the president. During his talk, he highlighted a woman from Alabama who was a guest of first lady Jill Biden. The woman and her husband were in the midst of undergoing in vitro fertilization treatments when the Alabama Supreme Court declared that embryos are legally recognized as children. As a result, several IVF providers ceased providing treatment.

Mr. Biden tied that decision to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in 2022 overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that recognized a right to abortion nationwide. The 2022 ruling threw the issue of abortion back to the states. Trump appointed three of the justices who voted in favor of overturning Roe.

The person who was in the position before me had a strong desire to overturn Roe v. Wade. They were successful in doing so and still boast about it. The consequences have been chaotic. Therefore, I urge legislators to safeguard the availability of IVF throughout the country.

After that, he presented Kate Cox, a woman from Texas who had to leave the state in order to get an abortion when she found out her unborn baby had a life-threatening condition. Mr. Biden denounced Republican lawmakers who have promised to enact a nationwide abortion ban.

“People who proudly claim credit for reversing Roe v. Wade clearly underestimate the strength of women. However, they soon realized their mistake. In the 2022 and 2023 elections, reproductive freedom was a major issue and we emerged victorious. We will continue to prevail in the 2024 election,” stated Mr. Biden, eliciting more cheers from Democrats, some of whom were donning white to show their solidarity for reproductive rights.

He reiterated, “If the American people elect a Congress that supports the freedom to choose, I guarantee that I will reinstate Roe v. Wade as the governing law.”

Praising the state of the economy and infrastructure and celebrating their successes

growth rate in the third quarter of the current year

The president boasted about his success in the economy, emphasizing a 6.2% increase in growth during the third quarter of the present year.
$1.2 trillion infrastructure package

Designed to rejuvenate the country’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and waterways, as well as a bill aimed at increasing domestic manufacturing of semiconductor chips.

Mr. Biden pointed out that certain Republicans who initially opposed the infrastructure bill have now expressed support for investments being made in their districts.

He stated, “If anyone does not desire the funds allocated to their district, please inform me.”

The president introduced Shawn Fain

In honor of the successful resolution of the legendary strike last year and the labor deal with Detroit’s top three auto companies, President of the United Auto Workers, Rory Gamble, joined forces with third-generation UAW worker Dawn Simms in Belvidere, Illinois. This was a historic moment as Mr. Biden became the first president to show his support by joining the picket line during the strike.

“Wall Street didn’t build this country. The middle class built this country, and unions built the middle class,” he said. “When Americans get knocked down, we get back up!”

Reworded: The Affordable Care Act: “Still a significant accomplishment.”

During his tenure as vice president in 2010, Mr. Biden took part in introducing President Obama at the ceremony during which Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. A recording surfaced of him telling Obama, “This is a significant moment.”

After fourteen years, during the State of the Union’s discussion on prescription medications and reducing healthcare expenses, the president referred back to one of the most famous lines of his career.

According to him, the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) is still a significant and relevant issue, which drew laughter and applause from Democratic legislators.

Ignoring comments about his age and emphasizing his level of experience

Biden pokes fun at age criticisms in closing State of the Union remarks


As Mr. Biden approached the conclusion of his speech, he even playfully remarked to Sen. Lindsey Graham that he had “a few more things” to add. Rather than avoiding the topic of his age, he confidently stated that his extensive time in public service has given him a clear perspective.

Although it may not seem obvious, I have a lot of experience. As I’ve grown older, some things have become much more apparent to me. I am familiar with the narrative of America. Time and time again, I have witnessed the struggle between opposing forces in the fight for the core of our country. On one side, there are those who wish to revert America to its past, while on the other there are those who want to propel America towards the future.

The president stated that he has come to embrace the concepts of freedom and democracy, as well as a future built upon fundamental American principles such as honesty, decency, dignity, and equality. He also emphasized the importance of respecting all individuals and giving everyone a fair opportunity, while rejecting any form of hate or discrimination.

Biden proceeded to highlight differences between himself and Trump, but he once again refrained from mentioning Trump directly.

He stated that individuals his age have a contrasting narrative, one of anger, payback, and punishment, but that does not align with his beliefs.

Biden is eighty-one years old while Trump is seventy-seven years old.

In his lengthy career, the president has been both criticized for being too young and too old. Nevertheless, he declares that regardless of his age, he has always been aware of what truly lasts – he has always known his North Star.

He stated, “The concept of America, that we are all equal and entitled to fair treatment throughout our lifetime.”

To conclude, the president asserted that he currently holds the most positive outlook for our future than ever before.

“Let’s work towards a shared future,” stated Mr. Biden.

This report was contributed to by Camilo Montoya-Galvez and Leo Rocha.

Stefan Becket
