The DNC has accused the RFK Jr. campaign and a super PAC of working together to manipulate ballot access.

2022 Senate campaign
The Democratic National Committee has declared that it will be submitting a complaint to the Federal Election Commission regarding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 2022 bid for Senate.independent presidential campaign
The two have been accused of collaborating in order to secure Kennedy’s spot on the ballot, with the support of a super PAC.
American Values 2024’s super PAC stated on Dec. 5 that they plan to allocate $10 million to $15 million towards ballot access efforts in order to secure Kennedy’s spot on the ballot in a minimum of 10 states.
The Democratic National Committee has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging that American Values 2024 has announced a ballot access initiative in multiple states that requires candidates to submit a draft signature petition for state approval, turn in completed forms, identify signature collectors, and obtain certification for circulators.
A major topic of the campaign. Ramsey Reid, senior advisor for the DNC, responded by expressing concern that RFK Jr. is being supported by Donald Trump and his wealthy donors.
The latest financial disclosure from American Values 2024 FEC reveals that Mellon, a former supporter of ex-President Donald Trump, was among the leading contributors to the political action committee. In the second half of 2023, Mellon made three separate donations totaling $10 million to the super PAC. Additionally, a previous FEC report from the first half of the year shows that Mellon had donated an additional $5 million.
According to Fox Kennedy, there has been no indication of receiving signatures or any information not already available on their public website from American Values PAC or any other PAC.
“I understand that they have a signature collection tracker on their public website, but we prioritize our FEC obligations and cannot advise PACs on how they should allocate their funds,” stated Fox Kennedy.
Tony Lyons, the co-founder of American Values 2024, stated to CBS News that the FEC complaint is a desperate strategy from the DNC to discredit and smear Kennedy while depleting his campaign finances.
Cristina Corujo
Source: cbsnews.com