The released documents by Grassley reveal information from a whistleblower and an investigation by multiple agencies into the illegal trafficking of guns by an American cartel.

The released documents by Grassley reveal information from a whistleblower and an investigation by multiple agencies into the illegal trafficking of guns by an American cartel.

The team of Senate investigators received access to internal government documents, providing additional information about a covert intelligence operation responsible for disrupting illegal weapons trafficking from the U.S. to Mexico. However, the project was unexpectedly terminated in fiscal year 2022 with no explanation given.

Information provided to Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley’s office by whistleblowers affirmed and elaborated on the reality and effectiveness of Project Thor.

Initially reported by CBS News. last September. 

New records, which were given only to CBS News, were delivered by Grassley to nine law enforcement agencies in the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State, and Postal Service on Thursday. Along with these records, sternly worded letters were also sent to each department, requesting information about Thor’s activities, which the Biden administration has not publicly acknowledged. The letters also demanded transparency about current attempts to combat the trafficking of cartel firearms in the United States and surrounding nations.

Project Thor Documents by
CBS News on

Grassley’s recently disclosed records reveal previously undisclosed information about the complex systems used by traffickers throughout the United States to illegally transport weapons and ammunition into Mexico through the southwestern border. These records also include visual representations of real trafficking routes used by drug cartels to obtain firearms.

This follows a CBS News investigation

Recently, new information has come to light about the involvement of Mexican drug cartels in smuggling large amounts of high-quality weapons out of the United States. This operation has been aided by American individuals, who have helped transport belt-fed miniguns and grenade launchers. According to intelligence documents and interviews with various officials, it has been known by the U.S. government for a considerable amount of time. However, sources reveal that little has been done to prevent these weapons trafficking networks from operating within the country, resulting in an estimated one million firearms being moved across the border each year.

The latest disclosures are part of 

A probe initiated by Grassley.

During October, a reviewed was conducted to investigate the reasoning behind the termination of a collaborative intelligence initiative by the US government, despite previously commending its effectiveness.

After three inquiries for supervisory data, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, also known as ATF, furnished investigators with over 700 pages of government documents with significant redactions that were solely assessed by CBS News.

“ATF is steadfast in its commitment to identify, disrupt, and dismantle firearms trafficking networks — including but not limited to those who wish to supply illegal firearms to Mexican cartels and other transnational criminal and terrorist organizations,” Ann Vallandingham, ATF Assistant Director for Public and Government Affairs, wrote on Jan. 5. While those documents detailed some of the internal workings of Project Thor, they did not fully respond to investigators’ questions. 


Senator Grassley received 741 pages of internal documents from the ATF regarding Project Thor and Operation Southbound. According to Grassley, over half of those pages were redacted inappropriately, with many others being completely blacked out or duplicates.


According to a sensitive PowerPoint presentation released by Grassley on Thursday, before Thor, the issue was not being addressed. The presentation estimated that cartels were smuggling approximately $503 million worth of weapons and ammunition each year. The documents disclosed that Project Thor was active between 2018-2020 and aided in 76 cases involving cartel trafficking. It also exposed numerous key weapon trafficking networks associated with the CJNG, one of Mexico’s largest and most dangerous cartels.

Officials from the Department of Justice have consistently refused to discuss Project Thor or its discoveries, stating that they were not knowledgeable about it. This was deemed unexpected by Grassley, as it appeared to contradict internal agency communication that was provided to his team of investigators. Specifically, one document mentioned that Project Thor included over 16 agencies within the executive branch such as the “Main DOJ,” DEA, and FBI.

A message was sent via email by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives during summer 2021 outlining intentions to hold a Project Thor presentation in partnership with members of the Department of Justice at the American embassy in Mexico approximately two weeks after newly appointed Ambassador Ken Salazar’s arrival.

“The meeting scheduled for that week is still confirmed,” stated Joshua Rusk, the Chief of ATF International Affairs, in an email to Division Chief Ned Dixon, Assistant Special Agent in Charge Will Panoke, and a confidential recipient. Another email sent from ATF headquarters to the former deputy mission chief and U.S. ambassador to Mexico mentioned Rebecca McCormack as “our DOJ Trial Attorney and DOJ lead” for Project Thor.

In correspondence, Grassley mentioned that documents given to his office independently confirmed CBS News’ discoveries regarding Project Thor, and repeated worries about the effectiveness of the United States’ current attempts to prevent the illegal sale of guns to Mexico.

“Grassley wrote a letter to law enforcement leaders expressing concerns about their dedication to dismantling cartel gunrunning networks, which are operating both in the U.S and in nearby nations.”

In the previous month, Senator Grassley sent a confidential letter to the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, presenting evidence that the U.S. government was aware of American military weapons being used by Mexican drug traffickers. The letter revealed the results of his investigation, which uncovered the alarming fact that the U.S. government was aware of misusing resources intended for Mexico for a number of years, but failed to take corrective measures. The State Department acknowledged Grassley’s concerns and expressed their willingness to update him on their actions within the next few months.

Stop Financing Cartels Act

At the other end of the political spectrum, Democrats in Congress put forth two pieces of legislation in the later part of 2023 – the Act to Halt Arming Cartels and the Act to Cease Funding Cartels. Disarming Cartels Act — aimed at thwarting America’s illicit international weapons trade. Democratic Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Dick Durbin is preparing to hold a hearing on the issue of gun trafficking from the U.S. to drug cartels called “Damming the Iron River.”

In the month of January, the Mexican government requested that the U.S. conduct an investigation into the illegal trafficking of military-grade weapons to drug cartels. Additionally, a U.S. appeals court reinstated a lawsuit worth $10 billion against gun manufacturers in connection to this issue.

The Biden administration, in partnership with Mexico and Canada, has restated its dedication to preventing the transfer of American weapons to drug cartels. However, the Justice Department and ATF have not presented any proof to show that their actions have significantly decreased the number of American firearms being transported to Mexico. According to estimates from Project Thor and the Mexican government, only 1,720 firearms were seized by U.S. law enforcement in the first six months of fiscal year 2023, which is less than 1% of all firearms being illicitly brought across the border.

Reporting was provided by Sarah Metz.

E.D. Cauchi

