The rising temperatures caused by climate change will result in an increase in the cost of bananas. Certain experts argue that this price hike should already be in effect.
London — Industry experts say the price of bananas globally is very likely to rise due to the impact of climate change — but some believe Paying a higher price for bananas currently.
may help reduce those potential dangers.
development of bananas.
Top executives and scholars convened in Rome this week for the World Banana Forum, where they sounded the alarm about the effects of climate change on the cultivation and advancement of bananas.supply chains
Some have proposed that increasing prices of groceries in current times may aid in preparing countries worldwide. However, there were also opinions suggesting that this may not be the most effective solution on a global level.
Fruit is cultivated to mitigate the effects of global warming.
According to British professor and leading expert on sustainable agriculture and crop pathogens, Dan Bebber, if temperatures rise above the ideal range for banana growth, there is a greater chance of decreased production. Bebber shared this information with CBS News from Rome on Tuesday.
According to him, producers in countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica will experience negative consequences from increasing temperatures in the next few decades. On the other hand, Ecuador, a top banana producer, seems to be in a relatively safe position in regards to the effects of climate change.
Assisting in the spread of diseases that pose a threat to banana trees, specifically the TR4 fungus, is a major concern. This fungus has been deemed by experts as one of the most destructive and aggressive fungi in the history of agriculture.
According to Sabine Altendorf, an economist at the United Nations’ Farming and Agriculture Organization (FAO), once a plantation is infected, there is no known pesticide or fungicide that can eliminate the problem. This was discussed at the forum.
The rise in temperature and surge in serious outbreaks of illness pose a threat to the supply systems of fresh fruit, resulting in an increase in prices. However, Bebber suggests that consumers should pay a higher price for bananas currently to avoid exacerbating the problem in the future.
At COP28, the United States pledges to support the advancement of environmentally-friendly agriculture.
Higher prices
The speaker emphasized the importance of supporting banana-producing countries in addressing climate change, implementing measures for mitigation, maintaining soil health, and providing better wages for workers. He also noted that while consumers have enjoyed inexpensive bananas for many years, this may not necessarily reflect a fair price and should be reevaluated.
Altendorf concurred, stating that farmers were cultivating the in-demand fruit “for incredibly low rates, resulting in meager profits. Coupled with the looming danger of climate change and rising disasters, this becomes a costly issue to address.”
Increasing prices will have little to no impact. the consumer end
“According to her, this small change will have a significant impact on the entire value chain and promote a greater level of environmental sustainability.”
Source: cbsnews.com