The struggle for survival of Ukrainians has reached its third year.

The struggle for survival of Ukrainians has reached its third year.

</p> <p>The struggle for survival by the Ukrainian people has reached its third year – CBS News

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During the Russian attack on Mariupol, journalist Mstyslav Chernov and his colleagues from the Associated Press bravely remained in the besieged city to document the severe humanitarian crisis. The footage they captured and shared with the world shed light on the atrocities of the Russian attack and became the inspiration for Chernov’s Oscar-nominated documentary, “20 Days in Mariupol.” CBS News national security correspondent David Martin interviews Chernov about the suffering he witnessed and speaks with Ukrainian soldiers who were wounded during a counter-offensive last year. Senator Angus King also joins the conversation, warning that withdrawing American aid for Ukraine’s war would be a grave mistake with major consequences.

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