The team of Alexey Navalny has verified the passing of a critic of Putin and has reported that his mother is currently looking for his remains.

The team of Alexey Navalny has verified the passing of a critic of Putin and has reported that his mother is currently looking for his remains.

Perished in a distant prison camp in the Arctic region.

He stated that he was a victim of murder, but the whereabouts of his remains are unknown.

Unfortunately, the passing of Navalny at 47 years old has left the Russian opposition without their prominent and motivational leader, just weeks before an upcoming election where President Vladimir Putin is expected to secure another six years in office.

Even though both the detained activist against corruption and other opponents of the Kremlin were unable to compete against Putin for the role of president, the absence of Navalny was devastating for the Russian people who had placed their faith in Putin’s tireless adversary. This also raised concerns about the cause of his death.

On Saturday, Ivan Zhdanov, the director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, shared on social media that upon arriving at his previous penal colony, it was discovered that Navalny’s son had died from “sudden death syndrome.”

A tribute to Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny at the Memorial to Victims of Political Repression in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Feb. 16, 2024.

On February 16, 2024, a commemoration was held for Alexey Navalny, a Russian politician and activist, at the Memorial to Victims of Political Repression in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Dmitri Lovetsky/Associated Press Photo

According to Yarmysh, an employee of the prison colony reported that the body was transported to Salekhard, a nearby city, for a post-mortem investigation. The team of Navalny stated that the deceased politician’s body will not be released to his family until official examinations have been completed.

According to Navalny’s team on their Telegram channel, when the late politician’s mother and one of his lawyers went to the morgue in Salekhard, it was closed. However, the lawyer contacted the morgue and was informed that the body was not present.

According to Yarmysh, a different attorney for Navalny visited the Investigative Committee in Salekhard and was informed that the reason for Navalny’s passing has not yet been determined. They were also informed that further investigations are ongoing and the findings will be made public next week.

According to her, the Investigative Committee of Russia notified Navalny’s team that his body would not be released to his family until the investigations were concluded.

Yarmysh posted on social media, stating that it is clear they are being dishonest and making every effort to avoid releasing the body. She also expressed that her team insists on the immediate return of Alexey Navalny’s body to his family.

The life and impact of Alexey Navalny


(FSIN) is responsible for overseeing the incarceration of individuals in Russian prisons.

The FSIN, also known as Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service, is in charge of managing the imprisonment of individuals in prisons throughout Russia.

It was reported that Navalny experienced discomfort.

A person passed out after taking a walk at the penal colony located in Kharp, a town in the Yamalo-Nenets region approximately 1,200 miles northeast of Moscow. Despite the arrival of an ambulance, the individual could not be revived. The cause of death is currently under investigation.

Maria Pevchikh, the leader of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, stated that the opposition figure will be remembered forever in the hearts of millions.

She posted on social media, stating that Navalny had been killed. We are unsure of how to move forward, but we will come up with a solution together.

the defense of Navalny

On Saturday, while Russians were defending Navalny, there were ongoing arrests.

Place flowers in honor of Navalny.
According to OVD-Info, an organization that tracks political oppression in Russia, over 359 individuals have been arrested since Navalny’s passing at gatherings honoring the victims of Soviet-era purges.

The team declared that they will cover the costs of any fines for individuals who are arrested while honoring the deceased opposition leader.

On Friday, the memorial items that were placed were taken away during the night. However, individuals continued to visit and leave flowers on Saturday. In Moscow, a significant number of people could be heard chanting “shame” as law enforcement forcibly removed a woman from the gathering. A video shared on social media captured the incident.

Over 10 individuals were arrested at a commemorative event in St. Petersburg, including a clergyman who arrived to officiate a ceremony for Navalny in that location.

In various cities throughout the nation, law enforcement closed off certain memorials and officers photographed and recorded personal information of attendees in an evident effort to intimidate.

Police officers detain a man laying flowers to Alexey Navalny at the Memorial to Victims of Political Repression in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Feb. 16, 2024.

On February 16, 2024, in St. Petersburg, Russia, law enforcement officers apprehended a man who was placing flowers at the Memorial to Victims of Political Repression in honor of Alexey Navalny.

AP Photo

2021 Munich Security Conference

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated at the 2021 Munich Security Conference that following the death of Alexey Navalny, it is illogical to consider Russian President Vladimir Putin as the rightful leader of the Russian government. Zelenskyy characterized Putin as a criminal who maintains control through dishonesty and brutality.”Munich Security Conference in Germany Saturday.

Zelenskyy stated that Putin had killed another opposition leader at the start of the Munich Security Conference, in an attempt to convey a clear message to all of us. This incident occurred just yesterday.

During her visit to Munich on Saturday, Vice President Kamala Harris met with Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of Alexei Navalny, and conveyed her indignation and grief over his passing.

At a press conference alongside Zelenskyy, Harris stated that the news of his death serves as additional evidence of Putin’s ruthless actions. This serves as a reminder of the significance of our support for Ukraine.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced on Saturday that the United Kingdom will be responding to the individuals responsible for the death of Aleksei Navalny from Russia.

During a conversation with broadcasters in Munich, Cameron stated that there should be repercussions for despicable human rights violations like the one in question. He also mentioned that Britain would analyze if specific individuals are to blame and if there are any particular steps they can take. However, Cameron did not specify if the reaction would involve monetary penalties or other forms of action.

On Friday, President Biden

According to reports, it is unclear what exactly occurred in Washington, but it is certain that Navalny’s death was a result of actions taken by Putin and his associates.

After reports of the death of Russian opposition leader Navalny, Blinken, his wife, and others give speeches at 03:17.

On Friday, the Kremlin expressed its displeasure towards the global leaders’ expressions of anger. Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for Putin, deemed these statements “unacceptable” and “outrageous,” pointing out that medical professionals have not yet determined the cause of Navalny’s death.

Navalny had 

I have been imprisoned since January of 2021.

Upon his return to Moscow, he…face certain arrest

Following his recovery in Germany from being poisoned by a nerve agent, he accused the Kremlin of being responsible. He was subsequently found guilty on three separate occasions, claiming each conviction was politically motivated. He was ultimately sentenced to 19 years in prison for his involvement in extremist activities.

Following the final decision, Navalny acknowledged that he was essentially facing a life sentence, determined by either the duration of his life or the duration of the current regime.

According to Nigel Gould-Davies, a previous UK representative to Belarus and a leading expert on Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, Navalny’s disappearance highlights the fact that “in Russia, opposition is not just punished with imprisonment, but also with death.”

A few hours after news broke about Navalny’s passing, Navalnaya received notifications and comments.

appeared dramatically

During the conference in Munich.

The speaker expressed doubt about the reliability of information from Russian government sources. However, if it is indeed accurate, she wants to hold Putin and those close to him accountable for their actions against her country, family, and spouse.

