What is the significance of Super Tuesday? Here’s how the results could impact the 2024 elections.
the United States are traditionally seen as the two main political parties.
The two dominant political parties in the United States are traditionally known to be the Democrats and Republicans.15 states
On March 5, 2024, one region will hold primary elections and caucuses to determine presidential nominees, famously coined as Super Tuesday. This significant date acts as a pivotal point in the nomination process, as it marks the availability of more than one-third of all delegates in both political parties.
While it is not feasible for either President Biden or former President Donald Trump to secure the nomination on Super Tuesday, the results will likely shape the narrative for the rest of the nomination race.
What does Super Tuesday refer to?
Super Tuesday is the designated day in early March where the majority of states hold their primary elections. Since its inception in 1988, the winning Republican candidate of the presidential nomination has always been the one with the most state victories on this day.
Source: cbsnews.com