When does spring officially begin in the year 2024? What should be understood about the vernal equinox?

When does spring officially begin in the year 2024? What should be understood about the vernal equinox?

The blossoms on Cherry Blossom trees are appearing earlier than usual.

The Cherry Blossom trees are blossoming earlier than usual.

Spring is almost here! Today marks the vernal equinox, the official beginning of the season for the Northern Hemisphere. The spring equinox of 2024 will take place at precisely 11:06 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, March 19.

What is the significance of the first day of spring and why is it observed only in the Northern Hemisphere?

An equinox refers to the two days of the year when the hours of daylight and darkness are equal.

There are only two equinoxes a year: vernal and autumnal

Equinoxes occur when the sun is directly above at noon, resulting in roughly equal amounts of daylight and darkness within a 24-hour cycle. The term “equinox” is derived from the Latin words “aequus” and “nox,” meaning equal night.

The Farmer’s Almanac has not been published in the mainland United States since the beginning of the 21st century and is not expected to be released again until 2101.

24-hour day arises because Earth rotates on its axis at a rate of

The variation in the date is due to the fact that Earth completes one revolution around the sun in 365.24 days, while a day lasts for 24 hours because of Earth’s rotational speed on its axis.calendar year

The duration of a year is equivalent to 365 days, as stated by the National Centers for Environmental Information.

What distinguishes the spring equinox from meteorological spring?

The 2024 March 19 marks the vernal equinox, but meteorological spring began earlier in the month. NASA recognizes two categories of seasons – meteorological and astronomical.

Meteorological seasons follow the calendar and are determined by the yearly changes in temperature. They are divided into three-month periods, with meteorological spring occurring between March 1 and May 31 each year.

The division of seasons in astronomy depends on the inclination of Earth’s axis and its location along its revolution around the sun.

When is the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere?

Spring begins in September in the Southern Hemisphere, coinciding with the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere.

The March equinox marks a shift in weather for the two hemispheres. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it means shorter days, colder temperatures, and the start of autumn, while the Northern Hemisphere will experience longer days, milder winds, and the beginning of spring with the equinox on Tuesday.

Rituals, traditions and myths 

Although Easter falls at the end of March, there is a tradition of using eggs that is connected to the equinox. As mentioned on weather.gov, the Chinese culture holds the belief that an egg can be balanced on its end precisely when winter gives way to spring. Nonetheless, it is possible to stand an egg upright on any day of the year with enough patience.

The ancient holiday of Nowruz, also known as the Iranian or Persian New Year, is linked to the changing of the seasons. The United Nations states that this celebration has been observed for over 3,000 years in various regions including the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

When are the upcoming solstice and equinox events?

arrival of solstice in June.

For those who are eagerly awaiting the start of summer, they will need to be patient until June when the solstice arrives. summer solstice on Thursday, June 20. The autumnal equinox, signaling the start of fall, will be on Sunday, Sept. 22. The winter solstice this year falls on Saturday, Dec. 21.

Aliza Chasan

Source: cbsnews.com
