Giant “flying” Joro spiders love big cities. A new study found their ability to chill out in stressful situations may be why
The saga of the large invasive Joro spiders that parachute through the air isn’t over. A new study found that the critters with 4-inch-long legs are truly built differently, with hearts that are able to withstand the loud and bustling noises of big cities.
University of Georgia researcher Andy Davis made the discovery while conducting cardiac stress tests on Joro spiders and their cousin, the golden silk spider. The research, published in Physiological Entomology on Monday, found that the species know how to chill out and stay calm when put in heart rate-raising situations.
The Joro spider, also known as Trichonephila clavata, “is known for making webs not only in natural green spaces but also in cities and towns, often on buildings and human dwellings,” the study says. “The stress reactions of Trichonephila spiders could be characterized as ‘even-tempered,’ which may factor into their ability to live in habitats with frequent disturbances.”
research from February, which also found that Joro spiders don’t necessarily mind the increased noise and vibrations that come with city living.
“These Joro webs are everywhere in the fall, including right next to busy roads, and the spiders seem to be able to make a living there. For some reason, these spiders seem urban tolerant,” Davis said of his earlier research.
UGA student and co-author of that study, Alexa Schultz, agreed, saying, “It looks like Joro spiders are not going to shy away from building a web under a stoplight or an area where you wouldn’t imagine a spider to be.”
But don’t worry — while the spiders are venomous, they don’t pose a danger to humans, although they may elevate your heart rate more than you elevate theirs.
Li Cohen
Source: cbsnews.com