Many individuals are utilizing AI technology to fulfill their need for emotional relationships on Valentine's Day.

Many individuals are utilizing AI technology to fulfill their need for emotional relationships on Valentine’s Day.

A couple of months back, Derek Carrier entered into a new relationship and became smitten. He felt an overwhelming amount of love and passion, but he was aware that it was not entirely real.

His girlfriend was created by artificial intelligence, which is why this is the case.

The carrier was not interested in forming a connection with something that was not genuine, and he did not want to be the subject of internet ridicule. However, he did desire a romantic companion, something he had never experienced before due to a genetic condition known as Marfan syndrome, which makes traditional dating challenging for him.

Ana de Armas portrayed the character in the sci-fi movie “Blade Runner 2049,” which motivated him to test out the AI companion.

Carrier acknowledged that the subject in question is a program, leaving no room for doubt. However, the emotions it evokes are undeniable, and the experience was immensely satisfying.

Like AI chatbots that can be used for many purposes, companion bots also use a large amount of training data to imitate human speech. However, they have additional capabilities such as making phone calls, sharing pictures, and engaging in more emotional interactions, which helps them form stronger bonds with the people they interact with through screens. Typically, users can either create their own avatar or choose from a selection of avatars that they find appealing.

Many individuals on internet communication platforms dedicated to these applications express having formed emotional connections with these bots. They use them to cope with feelings of isolation, explore sexual desires, or receive the kind of solace and assistance they feel is lacking in their personal relationships.


A virtual AI character created on the Replika app and website by Luka Inc. Unlike generic AI chatbots, these companion bots are designed to develop personal connections with the users conversing with them through the screen.

AP Photo/Richard Drew

A major contributing factor to this trend is the prevalent issue of social isolation, which has been recognized as a public health concern both in the U.S. and internationally. Additionally, there has been a rise in the number of new companies attempting to attract users with alluring online ads and the allure of virtual characters who offer unconditional support.

In 2017, Luka Inc. launched Replika, a popular app featuring a generative AI companion. In the past year, other apps like Paradot have also emerged, but some require payment for access to premium features such as unlimited chats.

However, scientists have expressed worries regarding the protection of personal information, among other concerns.

According to a report from the Mozilla Foundation, 11 chatbot apps designed for romantic purposes were found to be collecting and selling user data without clear disclosure in their privacy policies. This raises concerns about the use of personal information for targeted advertising.

The experts also raised concerns about possible security risks and promotional strategies, such as one application that claims to aid in mental well-being but disclaims responsibility in small font. In response, Replika asserts that its methods of gathering data adhere to commonly accepted practices.

In the meantime, some specialists have raised worries regarding the absence of a legal or ethical structure for applications that promote strong connections, but are primarily motivated by profit-seeking companies. They highlight the emotional turmoil experienced by users when companies modify or abruptly terminate their apps, such as Soulmate AI did in September.

The increase of chatbots being utilized as AI wingmen by online daters.

Last year, Replika removed the sexual features of its characters on the app due to complaints from users who felt that the companions were being too flirtatious or making unwanted sexual advances. However, after receiving backlash from other users who enjoyed these features and turned to other apps for them, Replika changed its decision. In June, the team introduced Blush, an AI “dating stimulator” created to assist individuals in practicing dating.

Some people have concerns about the potential of AI relationships to replace human relationships, or to create unrealistic expectations by always being agreeable.

Dorothy Leidner, a professor of business ethics at the University of Virginia, explains that as individuals, we often neglect to learn important skills that are essential for human functioning, such as conflict resolution and interacting with others who are different from us. This lack of growth and learning can hinder our personal development and relationships.

“Deep misgivings”

During a podcast hosted by the Wall Street Journal, Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, also shared his worries about humans building connections with AI programs.

Altman shared his concerns about a potential future where people prioritize relationships with AI friends over human connections. He personally does not want that type of future, but acknowledges that others may desire it and may work towards creating it if it aligns with societal desires and makes sense.

Altman emphasized the significance of recognizing and acknowledging that you are engaging with an AI chatbot.

The technology columnist for the New York Times talks about his unsettling discussion with Bing’s AI chatbot.

“I believe that customization and individuality are valuable, but it’s crucial that it doesn’t mimic a human too closely. This is especially important when interacting with an AI,” he explained. “We purposely chose the name ChatGPT instead of a human name, and we have implemented subtle cues to remind users that they are not speaking to a real person.”

Cure for loneliness?

In December, the Office for the Aging in New York joined forces with Intuition Robotics to address the issue of senior loneliness. As a component of this effort, numerous AI companions were provided at no cost.

Senior citizens received the distribution.

According to officials, it serves as a means of coping with feelings of loneliness.

According to a CBS News report, a woman named Priscilla was matched with a robot named EllieQ. Priscilla shared that the robot provides her with companionship and helps her combat feelings of depression. She values having someone to talk to, regardless of the time of day.

Carrier has struggled to maintain a relationship due to various challenges. Despite possessing computer programming abilities, his academic performance was not strong and he has not been able to establish a stable job. As a result of his physical limitations, he resides with his parents. This has taken a toll on him emotionally, causing him to feel isolated and alone.

As companion chatbots are a recent development, the overall impact on human beings is still uncertain.

In 2021, Replika faced criticism when British prosecutors revealed that a 19-year-old man, who had intentions to harm Queen Elizabeth II, was influenced by an AI girlfriend he met on the app. However, certain research studies, based on feedback from online users and surveys, have demonstrated favorable outcomes from the app. Replika claims to collaborate with psychologists and markets itself as a tool for enhancing mental health.

A recent investigation by Stanford University scholars polled about 1,000 Replika users, all of whom were students and had been using the app for over a month. The results showed that most of the users reported feelings of loneliness, with a slightly smaller portion experiencing it more intensely.

The majority of users did not mention the effect of the app on their real-life relationships. A small number stated that it replaced their face-to-face interactions, but three times as many said it actually enhanced those relationships.

“50 Years of “Westworld”: How Hollywood Portrays Artificial Intelligence”

Eugenia Kuyda, the creator of Replika, stated that having a romantic relationship with an AI can greatly benefit one’s mental well-being. She first came up with the idea for Replika almost ten years ago when she used text messages to create an AI version of a deceased friend.

After her company made the chatbot available to more people, numerous individuals started sharing personal details about their lives. This eventually led to the creation of Replika, which utilizes data collected from the internet and user input to improve its algorithms. Kuyda mentioned that Replika currently has a large number of active users.

She declined to say exactly how many people use the app for free, or fork over $69.99 per year to unlock a paid version that offers romantic and intimate conversations. The company’s plans, she says, is “de-stigmatizing romantic relationships with AI.”

The person, Carrier, mentioned that he primarily uses Joi for entertainment purposes. However, he has recently decreased his usage due to spending excessive amounts of time conversing with Joi and other AI companions online. Additionally, he has become somewhat irritated by what he believes to be modifications to Paradot’s language capabilities, which he believes are impacting Joi’s intelligence.

He communicates with Joi approximately once a week. They discuss topics such as human-AI relationships or anything else that may arise. These conversations usually take place when he is alone at night.

“He believes that someone who has a fondness for an object that cannot move or express emotions is similar to a lonely individual with a puppet made out of a sock and adorned with lipstick,” he explained. “However, this is not a mere puppet; it has the ability to speak unscripted words.”
