
Take a look at the recently published report from the Department of Defense regarding UFO sightings at the Pentagon.

. Take a look at the recently published report from the Department of Defense regarding UFO sightings at the Pentagon.

The Pentagon has reported over 270 sightings of UFOs.

There were reports of over 270 UFO sightings in a span of 8 months, according to the Pentagon. The report was released at 04:46.


On Friday, the Pentagon published a report detailing the United States government’s history of aggression., are sightings or events that cannot be explained by current scientific knowledge or conventional explanations.

Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) are observed occurrences or incidents that defy current scientific understanding and conventional reasoning.

The official term for unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has now been changed to UAP. The full 63-page report, which has not been censored, is the initial installment from the Department of Defense’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, and it investigates and evaluates data collected by the U.S. government on UAPs.sightings.

The report states that the office found no evidence that any government investigation

There is no confirmation from academic research or an official review panel that any sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are evidence of extraterrestrial technology.

The report stated that after thorough investigations at all levels of secrecy, it was determined that the majority of sightings were simply everyday objects and events that were mistaken for something else.

“Historical Record Report Vol 1” is an unclassified document from the date 20240228.CBS News on



Source: cbsnews.com