The creators of the internet contemplate on their invention and their lack of remorse for shaping the virtual realm.

The creators of the internet contemplate on their invention and their lack of remorse for shaping the virtual realm.

In a time when we can easily find answers to obscure questions such as the fastest indoor land speed or the weight of the Earth, we tend to forget the massive network that allows it all to happen: the internet. At the core of this incredible technology are trailblazers like Vint Cerf, Steve Crocker, and Bob Kahn, whose pioneering efforts have created the digital world we now inhabit.

Even though they have accomplished impressive feats, these creators are still humble about their impact. “There is a significant problem when it comes to understanding the internet,” remarked Kahn.

Their adventure commenced with a straightforward but groundbreaking concept: creating the necessary technologies and software to transmit data between computers and ultimately connecting the world.

Protection of personal information and maintaining personal relationships.

The widespread dissemination of false and misleading information has become a major worry. Cerf asserted that he holds no remorse and views the internet’s misuse as a human problem rather than a technical fault. “It is up to individuals to take responsibility,” stated Cerf.

Cerf expressed a wish for the internet to remain a significant component of our society. He also expressed a hope that in the future, someone will recall his small contribution to its existence.

Tony Dokoupil
