The electric-plane future is about to take off
For years, you’ve been able to watch cool-looking electric-plane videos on YouTube, created by some of the 300 companies who are working on them. But Beta Technologies, in Burlington, Vermont, is unique: “I believe we’re the only company flying people,” said Beta’s CEO and founder Kyle Clark. His company’s electric plane can carry six people, and flies 250 miles on one charge.
“Every year, batteries get better and better, about seven percent per year,” he said. “That means in seven years we’ll double that. And another seven years, we’ll double that again.”
He believes that, in the-not-distant future, we will be flying on electric-powered jetliners.
CBS News
Traditional airplanes pump out about a billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. Electric planes produce no emissions at all, and that’s only their first advantage.
David Pogue
Source: cbsnews.com