The production of EV batteries brings energy to communities in the southern region known as the "Battery Belt."

The production of EV batteries brings energy to communities in the southern region known as the “Battery Belt.”

As the auto workers’ strike

As the third week begins, a major issue of contention is the wages of the workers.electric vehicle battery 

Numerous plants are being constructed in the southern region of the United States, where the majority of employees are not part of a union.

In the last three years, there have been announcements of over $90 billion being invested in batteries across the country, leading to approximately 70,000 new manufacturing jobs. This growth is primarily seen in eight states: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, creating what is now referred to as the “Battery Belt.”

4-wheel-drive vehicles

Several states have conservative political beliefs and have resisted enacting laws to address climate change, even though they play a significant role in the rapidly growing electric vehicle manufacturing sector. Georgia, which has received significant investments, recently implemented a tax on four-wheel drive vehicles.public EV charging this summer.

Ben Tracy
