X, previously known as Twitter, is taking legal action against Media Matters after facing backlash from advertisers due to reports of their ads being displayed alongside neo-Nazi content.

X, previously known as Twitter, is taking legal action against Media Matters after facing backlash from advertisers due to reports of their ads being displayed alongside neo-Nazi content.

Elon Musk’s social media company X,

previously called Twitter

On Monday, a legal action was taken by X Corp. against Media Matters for America, a liberal advocacy group. The lawsuit claims that the group deliberately created a report to display advertisements next to posts promoting neo-Nazi and white nationalist ideologies with the intention of causing advertisers to leave the platform and harm X Corp.

Advertisers have been

running away from X due to worries about their ads showing up next to pro-Nazi content — and hate speech on the site

Generally, tensions have been heightened by the actions of billionaire owner Musk.his own posts endorsing

a theory that promotes hatred towards Jews.

Last week, IBM, NBCUniversal, and Comcast announced that they would no longer advertise on X following a report from Media Matters revealing that their ads were being shown alongside content that glorifies Nazis. The report also noted that Apple and Oracle had ads displayed next to anti-Semitic material on X, and Media Matters found that ads from Amazon, NBA Mexico, NBCUniversal, and other companies were appearing alongside hashtags promoting white nationalism.

Since Musk took over more than a year ago, there has been a sense of unease surrounding X. During his ownership, the platform significantly reduced its staff, dissolved its Trust and Safety advisory team, and eliminated its user verification process.

In July, Musk shared on his social media platform

He spent $44 billion on.

The company experienced a “negative cash flow” as a result of a significant decrease of approximately 50% in advertising earnings and a high amount of debt.

Musk’s personal posts have also stirred up backlash.

including the one from last week

The individual replied to a user’s accusation of Jews promoting hatred towards whites by agreeing with their statement.

Musk has been accused of allowing antisemitic content on the platform after acquiring it in 2020. Since taking ownership, X has received criticism for this issue.rolled back rules

The Anti-Defamation League stated in a report released in June that X saw an increase in online harassment, with 27% of incidents in the first half of 2023 happening on the platform. This is up from 21% in 2022, following the removal of “violative hateful content.”

joined the company

The company stated in May that they firmly believe discrimination of any kind should be completely eradicated.

She expressed on the platform last week that it is something we can and should all come to a consensus on.

Source: cbsnews.com