Following a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Frank Rubio is making his return to Earth, setting a new record for the longest U.S. space station flight.

Sergei Prokopyev, the commander of the space station, along with his two crew members, Dmitri Petelin and Frank Rubio, prepared on Tuesday for their return to Earth on Wednesday. This will mark the end of their 371-day stay in orbit, which sets a record for the longest flight in U.S. space history. In September 2022,

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In a first, scientists recover RNA from an extinct species — the Tasmanian tiger

Scientists have for the first time recovered and sequenced RNA from an extinct species, the Tasmanian tiger, a Stockholm University researcher told CBS News. The breakthrough potentially raises hope for the resurrection of animals once thought lost forever.  “People didn’t think it could really be done,” Marc Friedländer, an associate professor in molecular biology at

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One hundred leaders within the Jewish community criticize Elon Musk for his antisemitic remarks on X, previously known as Twitter. They express their shock and dismay over his words.

A letter was published by a group of 100 Jewish leaders, which included well-known rabbis and scholars, expressing their disapproval of X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, and its owner Elon Musk for allowing a “new phase of anti-Semitic conversation.” the issue of “Musk’s takeover The website is expected to launch in

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Can you become a victim of “carhacking”? Learn about the increasing danger of car theft through keyless entry and ways to safeguard yourself.

Upon arriving at your residence, you casually place your car keys on a nearby table by the front entrance. This seemingly innocuous act is all it takes for modern thieves to execute a “relay attack,” intercepting the signal from your key fob, and subsequently unlocking and stealing your vehicle. This is just one example of

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A spacecraft from NASA has successfully returned to Earth with samples from an asteroid that date back to the formation of our solar system.

A saucer-shaped capsule carrying asteroid fragments A potential source of information about the origins of the solar system collided with the Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday and successfully landed in Utah with the help of a parachute, concluding a thrilling journey spanning seven years and four billion miles. At 10:42 a.m. EDT, the 110-pound capsule containing

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NASA has announced that on Sunday, samples collected from the asteroid Bennu will make their way back to Earth through a fiery descent.

rocks and dust collected1998 OR2 An asteroid called 1998 OR2 is the source of this information.Bennu — leftovers from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago — is expected to slam into Earth’s atmosphere at a blistering 27,650 mph on Sunday. The craft will experience extreme atmospheric resistance, causing it to quickly

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A recently released mosaic image from NASA provides an extraordinary level of detail of the south pole region of the moon.

A former astronaut from NASA comments on India’s successful moon landing. A former NASA astronaut analyzes India’s 04:34 moon landing. NASA has released a highly detailed mosaic of the Shackleton Crater on the moon, made possible by two cameras orbiting the lunar surface. Scientists are intrigued by Shackleton Crater, located in the South Pole region

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The NASA astronaut is eagerly anticipating the comforting embrace of family, along with moments of tranquility, after spending a full year in space.

Had NASA inquired earlier, astronaut Frank Rubio may have declined the opportunity to spend a complete year on the International Space Station. However, due to complications with their Soyuz ferry ship, his crew was forced to prolong their initial six-month mission to a full 12 months. Rubio stated to reporters on Tuesday that if he

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