Lynn Yamada Davis, the TikTok chef known as Lynja and famous for her cooking videos, has passed away at the age of 67.
Lynn Yamada Davis, a popular TikTok chef who was known for her funny cooking videos, passed away at 67 years old, as announced by her son on social media on Friday. According to her son, her last moments were very calm and she was surrounded by loved ones.
Hannah Mariko Shofet informed The New York Times that her mother passed away due to esophageal cancer.
In a video shared on social media, Davis’ child displayed a collection of images featuring her at different stages in her life – as a child, a college student at MIT, and after earning her degree in civil engineering. He expressed admiration for his mother, calling her “cool.” The son also included photos of Davis as a young mother with her older sibling, a successful soccer player, and described her as a proud parent. In addition, the video showed pictures of their former kitchen and Davis participating in running – her son mentioned that she completed eight marathons.
The MIT Alumni Association began creating Cooking with Lynja videos alongside Tim, her youngest child. Initially, there was a gradual increase in followers until a video showcasing the preparation of a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich went viral on TikTok in 2021.
Davis had a substantial following of nearly 30 million people on different social media platforms. She frequently shared exaggerated cooking videos and playfully interacted with her kids. On TikTok, where Davis had a staggering 17.8 million followers, she showcased herself trying out various dishes from different countries, but she primarily focused on cooking at home.
She cooked wagyu steaks despite her complaints about the expensive $100 price. She also snacked on sandwiches and relaxed in a kiddie pool, all while exuding a grandmotherly vibe. In some videos, a character named “Little Lynja” would make appearances, scolding or offering cooking advice.
In 2022, Davis was the recipient of a Streamy Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in online video content.
According to her son, she was known as the “grandma of the internet,” as mentioned in Friday’s video. He expressed that she was an amazing person and he was grateful that her viewers were able to see her true character. He also thanked everyone for the enjoyable experience they had making videos in the past couple of years.
Cara Tabachnick
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