A federal appeals court has ruled that Texas must take down the floating border barrier on the Rio Grande.

A federal appeals court has ruled that Texas must relocate a floating barrier on the Rio Grande, which has faced criticism from Mexico. This decision is a setback for Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to prevent illegal migration into the United States.

requires Texas to halt construction on the barrier and relocate it to the riverbank.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling mandates that Texas cease all progress on the approximately 1,000-foot barrier and transfer it to the riverbank. The directive stipulates that Texas must pause the construction of the barrier and move it to the riverbank.

Supported the ruling of a lower court.

Abbott deemed the September statement as “inaccurate” and had foreseen its reversal.

The court based in New Orleans delivered another legal blow to Texas this week regarding its border operations. On Wednesday, a judge ruled in favor of U.S. Border Patrol agents being able to remove razor wire that was installed by the state along the riverbank, despite objections from Texas officials.

In a statement on social media, it was stated that the decision was deemed “clearly incorrect” and the state plans to promptly request a rehearing from the court.

Governor Abbott announced that, if necessary, he will take the matter to the Supreme Court to safeguard Texas from Biden’s policies on open borders.

The Biden administration

Abbott was sued for the connection.

Anchored buoys, covering an area approximately equivalent to three soccer fields, were placed along the international border between Texas and Mexico by the state. These buoys are located between Eagle Pass, a border city in Texas, and Piedras Negras in Coahuila.

When the barrier was put up, many individuals were unlawfully entering the United States in large numbers. In September, the state was instructed by the lower district court to relocate the barriers, but an appeal from Texas caused a temporary delay in implementing this order.

The Biden administration filed a lawsuit under the Rivers and Harbors Act, a legislation that safeguards navigable bodies of water.

Judge Don Willet, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump and previously served on the Texas Supreme Court, disagreed with the decision to relocate the barriers. He stated that this action will not alleviate the increasing tensions between the governments of the United States and Mexico, as claimed by the Biden administration.

Willet stated that if the district court believed the United States’ claims of harm, then it should have not only relocated but completely removed the barrier. This would be the only way to fully eliminate the barrier’s construction and existence, satisfying Mexico’s requests.

During the last fiscal year, approximately 400,000 individuals attempted to cross into the United States through the southwest border area that encompasses Eagle Pass.

In the previous ruling of the lower court, Judge David Ezra of the U.S. District Court expressed skepticism towards Texas’ justification for the barrier. He stated that there was no convincing proof that the buoy barrier, as it currently stands, has effectively reduced illegal immigration.

Representatives from U.S. Customs and Border Protection have not yet provided a statement.

Source: cbsnews.com