A vibrant red jellyfish was discovered in a distant, underwater volcanic formation.

A vibrant red jellyfish was discovered in a distant, underwater volcanic formation.

Researchers have announced the discovery of a previously unknown species of Medusae, a jellyfish that moves freely and has an umbrella-like shape. The marine organism was initially observed in 2002 near a deep-sea volcanic formation in the southern waters of Tokyo, Japan and is characterized by a distinct red marking in the shape of an “X” on its underside.

In November, the results were released in the scientific publication Zootaxa. The team of scientists named the sea creature “Santjordia pagesi” in reference to the Cross of St. George due to its prominent X shape. The suffix “pagesi” was chosen to pay tribute to Dr. Francesc Pagès, a renowned expert in jellyfish taxonomy.

According to a recent news release from the São Paulo Research Foundation, scientist André Morandini stated that the newly discovered species is unlike any other deep-sea medusae previously identified. In comparison to others found in similar environments, it is relatively small in size.

Simrin Singh

Source: cbsnews.com
