An aid organization cautions that the Israel-Hamas conflict has resulted in thousands of Palestinians in Gaza being at risk of starving to death.

An aid organization cautions that the Israel-Hamas conflict has resulted in thousands of Palestinians in Gaza being at risk of starving to death.

intensifying fighting are at grave risk

Humanitarian organizations are issuing urgent warnings that the lives of thousands of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip are in grave danger due to escalating conflict. has resulted in a significant number of casualties on both sides, as well as widespread destruction and displacement.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to numerous fatalities on both sides, along with extensive devastation and displacement.

According to the Palestinian branch of ActionAid, over 500,000 individuals in northern Gaza are at risk of starvation due to the ongoing conflict caused by Hamas’ attack on Israel. Despite barely surviving the constant bombings, these people now face another threat to their lives as food supplies dwindle dangerously low.

The upper portion of the slender Palestinian land, measuring 25 miles in length, has experienced the harshest Israeli airstrikes and newly initiated ground attacks. CBS News reporter Charlie D’Agata has been covering the events.

Accompanied the Israeli soldiers on their journey.

On Tuesday, they conducted a mission in Beit Hanoun, a town with a population of around 60,000. Most of the residents had already evacuated, but there was still ongoing conflict.

Accompanying Israeli troops in Gaza at 04:55 AM.

A large number of residents in Beit Hanoun and neighboring towns in northern Gaza have relocated to the south, following the instructions of the Israeli military over the past few weeks. However, due to ongoing airstrikes throughout the heavily populated area, some individuals have not been able to or chosen not to make the dangerous journey through the war zone.

According to OCHA, it has been a week since any food or bottled water has been distributed in that area, as stated in a press release.

Palestinian non-combatants endure fatalities and malnutrition due to ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza at 01:48.

On Tuesday, Christian Lindmeier, a representative for the World Health Organization, expressed concern for the suffering of civilians in Gaza. He emphasized the urgent need for resources such as water, fuel, and food. Additionally, he restated the U.N.’s request for 500 aid trucks to have unrestricted and secure entry into Gaza every day.

Aid trucks have been crossing into Gaza

Since October 21, a limited number of vehicles have been able to pass through the Rafah border crossing from Egypt, which is the only crossing not under Israeli control. While the United Nations and aid groups have expressed that this is insufficient, a representative from the Hamas-led Ministry of Interior in Gaza stated earlier this week that no humanitarian supplies have reached the northern part of the region.

in Syria

There is a growing demand for a stop to fighting, or at the very least, a temporary break in violence in Syria.

The dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where 2.3 million people reside, has resulted in a rapidly increasing number of civilian deaths. According to officials in the Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas, the death toll has surpassed 10,500, sparking growing concern.

demands an end to the fighting

The United States, the largest supporter of Israel, has not joined the numerous countries and organizations in making this request. Instead, they are calling for a “humanitarian pause” in the ongoing conflict.

Israel has rejected both ideas, saying any let-up in its military operation would only give Hamas time to regroup and make good on its threat to repeat the bloody attack it launched on southern Israel on Oct. 7, which saw the designated terror organization murder some 1,400 people and kidnap 241 others.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that those who demand an immediate end to fighting must clarify how they plan to handle the potential consequences, such as leaving Hamas in power and the risk of repeated attacks like the one on October 7, which could result in over 200 hostages.

Netanyahu states that a cease-fire will not be agreed upon until the hostages are released at 04:55.

Blinken addressed a meeting of the Group of Seven affluent and industrialized nations in Japan, where they released a collective statement advocating for the uninterrupted transportation of food, water, fuel, and medical resources to Gaza. They also suggested implementing humanitarian breaks in the conflict to assist with this delivery.

“We engaged in thorough conversations regarding the measures we are implementing to address pressing needs on the field. We unanimously acknowledged that humanitarian breaks would promote crucial goals such as safeguarding Palestinian civilians, enhancing the continuous delivery of humanitarian aid, facilitating the departure of our citizens and foreign nationals, and enabling the release of hostages,” Blinken informed journalists. He also shared that he had updated his G7 counterparts on his discussions with Israeli leaders regarding pauses and tangible actions to reduce harm to Palestinian civilians.

On Tuesday, a high-ranking Israeli official stated to journalists.

There was no need to pause for the trucks providing aid.

The individuals stated their intention to continue entering Egypt from the border, but also mentioned that Israel may temporarily halt certain areas in the southern region or different parts of Gaza to permit a greater amount of humanitarian aid to pass through.

Experts in international law and the United Nations’ human rights agency have cautioned that Israel’s military retaliation against the Hamas attack could potentially be considered collective punishment towards the innocent civilians in Gaza. violates international law.

The application of laws of war in the conflict between Israel and Hamas at 11:06.

“We are troubled by reports of war crimes being perpetrated,” said a spokesperson for the U.N. office of human rights. Ravina Shamdasani said

Toward the end of October, there was concern about the punishment being inflicted on the people of Gaza as a result of the heinous attacks by Hamas, which were also deemed as war crimes.

Israel asserts that its armed forces do everything within their power to prevent harm to non-combatants. They also allege that Hamas uses civilian areas, such as schools, residences, and medical facilities, to hide weapons and militants.

Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to eliminate Hamas in retaliation for the Oct. 7 assault. He and other Israeli leaders have stated that the military campaign in Gaza will continue until this goal is achieved. Israel has not specified a timeline for their actions, but has cautioned that the conflict with Hamas could last for several months or even years.

The government of Israel has declared that it will not retake control of Gaza.

The Biden administration has consistently urged for temporary ceasefires in the conflict in order to provide aid to Gaza and work towards the release of hostages being held by Hamas.

Beginning with the leader of the country.
Israel has been advised against by — to not

Attempt to take control of the Gaza Strip.

Following its military campaign.

For nearly two decades, Hamas has been in control of Gaza following Israel’s withdrawal in 2005. However, the West Bank, which is under the administration of the Western-supported Palestinian Authority, remains under military occupation by Israel.

On Tuesday, Netanyahu hinted at the idea of occupying Gaza, stating that Israel will continue to have full control over security in the area for an unspecified amount of time.

During his comments on Wednesday, Blinken restated the Biden administration’s position against an occupation and stated that Israeli leaders had reassured him that there were no intentions for such actions. However, he did raise the possibility of a transition period and discussed potential mechanisms to ensure security during this time.


On November 8, 2023, in Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestinian children form a line to receive food from a temporary charity kitchen while Israel and the militant group Hamas continue to engage in conflict. SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty

On Wednesday, a prominent advisor to Netanyahu did not provide much insight into Israel’s future plans for Gaza, stating that whatever comes after the current conflict will not be considered an occupation.

Mark Regev, a senior advisor to Netanyahu, stated in an interview with CNN on Wednesday that after the defeat of Hamas, it is imperative to prevent any resurgence of terrorist activity or a revival of Hamas. He emphasized the need for an Israeli security presence, but clarified that this does not equate to re-occupying Gaza or governing the Gazans.

It is not clear who or what entity would take over the management of daily activities in Gaza.

A representative from Fatah, a Palestinian faction that controls the West Bank’s Palestinian Authority, stated to CBS News that they would not use an Israeli tank to take over Gaza.

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