Exit polls for the 2024 New Hampshire primary for the upcoming elections.

Exit polls for the 2024 New Hampshire primary for the upcoming elections.

During the 2024 New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, the main concerns of the voters were the dissatisfaction with the government, economic situation, and immigration policies. Approximately 20% of voters finalized their decisions in the final days leading up to the primary, while the majority had already made up their minds beforehand, as reported by CBS News exit polls.

This primary electorate is characterized as being more moderate and independent in comparison to Iowa.

Republican primary voters expressed discontent with the state of the nation and the economy.

According to initial exit polls, Republican primary voters in New Hampshire are dissatisfied with the current state of the country, with approximately one-third expressing anger towards it.


Their perspective on the future for the upcoming generation of Americans is negative: over 50% believe that their quality of life will be worse than the current state.


Source: cbsnews.com