Exit polls of New Hampshire voters reveal the factors behind Trump’s victory in the state’s 2024 Republican primary.
Please note that the percentages from the exit polls may have changed since this post was originally published.
2010 South Carolina gubernatorial election.
In the 2010 South Carolina gubernatorial election, Nikki Haley performed better than in previous elections.2024 New Hampshire Republican primary election
Despite having a larger population of moderate and non-affiliated voters, this was not enough to defeat Donald Trump. Like in Iowa, Trump had significant backing from the Republican base and secured victory among all major demographic categories.
Despite a higher number of voters in New Hampshire expressing concern over Trump’s legal troubles compared to Iowa, a majority still believe that even if he were found guilty, he would still be suitable for the role of president.
Republican voters in New Hampshire were seeking a candidate who was both strong and shared their beliefs. Among those who prioritized these traits, Trump was the top choice over Haley.
Among voters who prioritized temperament, Haley was the clear winner, but fewer individuals selected that as their primary characteristic.
In recent days, Haley has gained more support among voters who made their decision in that time frame. She was favored by the majority of those who made their decision within the last few days.
However, it was not sufficient. The vast majority of voters had already made their decisions prior to that point, and they ultimately chose Trump.
The Independents supported Haley, however Trump emerged victorious amongst the Republicans.
Voters who are not affiliated with a political party were able to participate in the Republican primary in New Hampshire and their turnout was significant. Over 40% of the voting population identified as independents, much higher than the 16% in Iowa. Additionally, approximately 60% of independents voted for Haley.
However, in the Republican primary, Haley did not pose much of a challenge to Trump in terms of gaining support from self-identified Republicans, only managing to secure about 25% of their support.
Less primary voters in New Hampshire identified as part of the MAGA movement compared to Iowa, but almost all of those who did voted for Trump.
The majority of this voting population remained conservative, which ultimately worked in favor of Trump as well.
Similar to his success in Iowa, Trump performed well among a variety of demographics. He garnered support from both young and old voters. He also secured the majority of male voters and narrowly beat out Haley among female voters.
Haley was favored by college-educated New Hampshire voters, while Trump had a greater advantage among those without a college degree. Additionally, there were a slightly higher number of voters without a college degree.
New Hampshire voters are most concerned with the economy and immigration.
The top concerns for voters were the economy and immigration, and Trump gained the backing of those who viewed these as the most crucial topics.
Over 50% of voters in the New Hampshire GOP primary expressed their belief that the majority of undocumented immigrants in the United States should be removed, a course of action that Trump has previously proposed.
Haley received the most support from voters who ranked foreign policy and abortion as their top concerns, but these issues were not as significant for the majority of voters.
Eight out of ten of Trump’s voters stated that their vote was in strong support of him.
Haley received more support against Trump rather than for herself. Only 33% of her voters strongly favored her.
In the future, a large percentage of supporters for each candidate would be unhappy if the other candidate were chosen as the nominee.
Approximately 80% of supporters of Trump would be unhappy if Haley were to win.nomination
Moreover, there would be an even greater number of Haley supporters who would be unhappy if Trump were to become the chosen nominee.
Source: cbsnews.com