Hunter Biden is scheduled to appear in court in Los Angeles for tax-related charges.

On Thursday afternoon, Hunter Biden will face nine counts of federal tax evasion in California. The charges claim that the son of President Biden participated in a four-year plan to evade paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes.
In December, Hunter Biden was accused by federal prosecutors of committing nine tax offenses. These charges include three serious crimes and six lesser charges, all related to his supposed failure to file and pay taxes, as well as his attempts to avoid being assessed and submitting a deceitful tax return. If found guilty, Hunter Biden could potentially be sentenced to 17 years in jail.
The 56-page legal document claims that Hunter Biden did not pay taxes on over $7 million in earnings and used the money to support a lavish lifestyle. He is accused of falsely categorizing personal expenses, such as expensive hotel stays, luxury vehicle rentals, and escort services, as business expenses in order to evade taxes.
In July 2023, a plea agreement for two misdemeanor tax charges and a diversion agreement for a firearms charge fell apart in court. The judge raised concerns about the possibility of Hunter Biden avoiding future charges and the tax-related charges under the terms of the agreements.
Republican-controlled committees investigating Hunter Biden’s individual financial matters and his international business transactions have resulted in theimpeachment inquiry
An investigation is currently underway to determine if top officials in the Biden administration interfered with investigations into the president’s son and if the president himself benefited from his family’s business ventures. No evidence of wrongdoing by the president has been found thus far, and he has dismissed the impeachment inquiry as a pointless and unfounded political maneuver.
Former IRS employees Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who were tasked with looking into Hunter Biden’s financial activities, shared with lawmakers that they advised for federal charges to be filed against the president’s son for evading taxes and committing other offenses. However, they were met with opposition and informed that then-U.S. Attorney Weiss did not have the authority to make the final decision on pressing charges as he had not been granted special counsel status at the time. They also claimed that the investigation into Biden was intentionally delayed and showed a clear bias in favor of him.
Weiss contested the allegations and stated that he had not encountered any obstacles or hindrances in his pursuit of charges. However, in August 2023, Weiss informed Garland that his investigation had progressed to a point where he believed it was crucial to designate a special counsel, and Garland approved the request.
Hunter Biden unexpectedly showed up at the Republican-led House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and Judiciary committees on Wednesday.
I cast my vote in favor of moving forward with the proposed resolutions. to hold him in criminal contempt for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena to appear for a closed-door deposition.
Hunter Biden had proposed to attend a public hearing, but did not agree to a private interview. His attorney, Abbe Lowell, referred to closed-door depositions as “a strategy that Republicans have often abused in their political campaign to carefully release and distort witness testimony.”
According to Republican Representative James Comer, who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Hunter Biden does not have the authority to dictate Congress’s rules. Comer and his colleagues are concerned that Biden may have received preferential treatment from government agencies such as the Department of Justice, FBI, and IRS, and are determined to have him testify before the committee.
Erica Brown
Source: cbsnews.com