Observe as these humpback whales use a breathtaking Fibonacci sequence to catch their prey.
The statement made by your teacher is accurate: mathematics can be found in all aspects of life, even in the behavior of whales. A breathtaking video taken by a drone shows two enormous humpback whales in Antarctica utilizing the Fibonacci spiral, also referred to as the “Golden Spiral,” to create a bubble net for hunting.
The footage depicts a triple-layered spiral made of bubbles ascending to the top of the sea, followed by two sizable whales emerging directly through its core. This behavior is referred to as bubble-net feeding and, according to the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, it is a sophisticated and well-coordinated technique used by a group of hunters that involves effective communication and teamwork, demonstrating a high level of social intelligence.
According to the organization, in order for this process to occur, the whales must submerge themselves deeply into the ocean and release bubbles from their blowholes. This is done to disorient and capture fish near the surface.
Frequently observed in the natural world, such as at the base of pine cones and inside nautilus shells.
Photographer Piet van den Bemd captured the natural scene and shared it on Facebook, describing it as a captivating dance.
“The amazing teamwork of nature is on full display in the ocean,” he stated, and later added to Storyful that the experience would be “memorable forever.”
Li Cohen
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