Over 70 million individuals are at a higher risk of being affected by rising sea levels globally.

New data has revealed that in coastal communities in the United States, over 260,000 residents are living in areas that are at risk of experiencing higher levels of flooding in the next two decades. If countries maintain their current approach to global policies, the global population at risk is predicted to increase by five times by the end of this century.greenhouse gas emissions

According to the Human Climate Horizons, a joint effort of the United Nations Development Programme and the Climate Impact Lab.

The latest data indicates that by the end of this century, more than 70 million individuals worldwide will be at risk of experiencing coastal flooding due to the expansion of flood-prone areas.

“CBS News made a journey to Svalbard, Norway, the northernmost community on Earth and one that is experiencing the most rapid increase in temperature. The knowledge gathered by scientists there can provide insights for Americans to comprehend the transformations occurring in the United States. The warming of the Arctic region not only contributes to the rising sea levels along our coasts, but also adds to the volatility in our atmosphere, leading to extreme weather occurrences.”

The melting of glaciers and ice sheets contributes to the rise of sea levels.

“What occurs in the Arctic does not remain confined to the Arctic”

The WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group reports that 42% of the increase in sea level is due to the expansion of warm ocean water, while 21% is caused by melting glaciers worldwide. Additionally, 23% is attributed to the melting ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the projected sea level rise in the next 30 years is expected to be 10-14 inches on the East Coast, 14-18 inches on the Gulf Coast, and 4-8 inches on the West Coast.

According to Jack Kohler, a glaciologist from the Norwegian Polar Institute, events in the Arctic have a global impact.

Kohler is researching the melting ice sheets in Svalbard, a collection of islands located near the Arctic Circle.

“If you live in Florida

The speaker observed that the rise in sea level is already having an impact. They noted that there are numerous images of unusually high tides, which are not a result of storms, but rather a consequence of the steady increase in sea level.

According to the latest findings, numerous coastal areas in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia could be at risk of permanent flooding, which the UNDP warns may contribute to a troubling pattern that could hinder economic growth in underdeveloped regions.

Based on the latest information, it is predicted that a considerable portion of land in the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Turks and Caicos, Tuvalu and Seychelles will be underwater by 2100 due to climate change.

Kohler stated that he has coworkers worldwide who are conducting similar tasks and they have all observed the same phenomenon – the melting glaciers contributing to the rise in sea levels.

Embark on a journey to Svalbard, Norway through this unique interactive website and discover the effects of climate change on communities throughout our nation.

Meet our experts 

Jack Kohler has been researching the vanishing glaciers of Svalbard for 27 years as a glaciologist at the Norwegian Polar Institute. It is a challenging job, involving flying to glaciers by helicopter at the end of winter to insert long stakes deep into the ice. After the summer melting season, Kohler returns to measure how much of the stakes are now visible. The greater the visibility of the stake, the more ice has melted.



Source: cbsnews.com
