The Houthis have pledged to continue targeting ships in the Red Sea, following strikes by the U.S. and U.K. on their weapons in Yemen.

The Houthis have pledged to continue targeting ships in the Red Sea, following strikes by the U.S. and U.K. on their weapons in Yemen.

The Houthi rebel group, supported by Iran, declared their intention to persist in targeting ships in the Red Sea on Friday. This comes after the U.S. and U.K. launched strikes against the group in Yemen as a response to increased Houthi attacks on shipping in the crucial waterway of the Middle East. President Biden released a statement on Thursday night announcing the coordinated strikes involving Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands.

“The reason for these attacks is due to the unprecedented assaults by the Houthis on ships in the Red Sea, which include the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles, a first in history,” stated Mr. Biden. He also stated that he will take additional steps as needed to safeguard our citizens and ensure the smooth movement of global trade.

On Friday, a spokesperson for the Houthi military reported that 73 attacks resulted in the death of five individuals and injuries to six others. The Supreme Political Council of the Houthi movement released a statement later on Friday, stating their intention to persist in targeting ships in important waterways and declaring that any American or British interests are now acceptable targets.

Analyzing the Houthi drone strikes in the Red Sea at 06:50.

The Houthis issued a caution to “all Arab governments, particularly neighboring nations,” about backing the airstrikes conducted by the U.S. and its allies.

Earlier in a recorded message, Brigadier General Yahya Saree of the Houthi group stated that the “American and British enemies are fully responsible for their criminal attack on our Yemeni citizens. We will not stand idle in response to this aggression. The Yemeni armed forces will take action to defend Yemen, its sovereignty, and independence by targeting any threats or hostile targets on both land and sea.”

Western officials declined to say exactly where or what the strikes hit, but U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement the strikes “targeted the Houthis’ unmanned aerial vehicle, uncrewed surface vessel, land-attack cruise missile, and coastal radar and air surveillance capabilities.”

Austin, who has beenĀ 

Admitted to the hospital due to an infection.

A U.S. defense official reported that during a surgery for prostate cancer, the operation was closely monitored in real time from the hospital. The official stated that Austin was actively engaged and had two conversations with the president within the 72 hours leading up to the procedure.

Middle East, Persian Gulf and Pakistan/Afganistan Region map - III


The statement released by U.S. Central Command on Thursday evening stated that they targeted 16 locations associated with Iranian-backed Houthi militants, hitting more than 60 targets. These targets included nodes for commanding and controlling, storage areas for weapons, launching systems, facilities for production, and radar systems for air defense.

A high-ranking member of the military informed journalists on Thursday evening that the attacks were initiated from various aerial, maritime, and underwater sources. The United States and other nations had previously cautioned the Houthis about potential repercussions if the assaults, which began shortly after the conflict between Israel and Hamas, persisted.

A group of countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, and South Korea released a statement together stating that the recent strikes were a reaction to ongoing unlawful and risky attacks by the Houthis on ships passing through the Red Sea.

UK And US Launch Strikes On Yemen's Houthis

This image, provided by the U.K. Ministry of Defense, shows an RAF Typhoon fighter jet departing from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to support the U.S.-led coalition in conducting airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi rebels on Jan. 11, 2024.

Handout/UK Ministry of Defense/Getty

The statement stated that the precision attacks were aimed at disrupting and weakening the Houthis’ abilities to pose a threat to global trade and the safety of international sailors in a highly important waterway.

The U.K.’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, stated that the strikes were “limited, necessary, and proportionate.” He also mentioned that the Netherlands, Canada, and Bahrain offered “non-operational support.”

The British government’s decision to participate in the recent actions was deemed legal by Sunak’s office. They stated that the allies strategically targeted specific areas to weaken the Houthi’s abilities and discourage future attacks.

The statement explained that it was necessary and appropriate to react to the Houthis’ attacks, and using force was the only viable option to address these attacks. According to international law, the U.K. is allowed to use force in situations where it is necessary for self-defense and when it is the only feasible means to respond to an actual or impending armed attack, as long as the force used is proportional.

According to a source from Congress who is knowledgeable about the situation, the Biden administration provided information to congressional leaders today regarding their intentions to attack Houthi rebel targets in Yemen.

According to a high-ranking military representative, the United States has not yet observed any proof that the Houthis have taken action against American, British, or other ships in the Red Sea, as of Thursday evening. However, they acknowledged the possibility of a retaliatory response.

7 missiles.

On Tuesday, the Houthis carried out a significant assault in the Red Sea. The attack was one of the biggest to date and resulted in 18 drones and 7 missiles being shot down by three U.S. destroyers and U.S. F-18s, as well as a British warship.multiple missiles

CENTCOM stated that the attack originated from areas in Yemen that are controlled by the Houthi group.

On Tuesday, the U.S. CENTCOM reported a “complex attack” that took place only a week after the U.S. and other nations issued a joint statement threatening repercussions for the Houthis if they continued their attacks.

The White House’s joint statement, released last Wednesday, states that the Houthis will be held accountable for any harm caused to lives, the global economy, and the uninterrupted movement of trade in the crucial waterways of the region.

On Thursday evening, a high-level member of the administration informed journalists that President Biden held a meeting with his national security team in response to the attack on Tuesday. During this meeting, he was given different military response options. President Biden instructed Secretary of Defense Austin to carry out a response after the meeting, resulting in the strike on Thursday.

CENTCOM reported that since November 19, there have been at least 27 instances of commercial shipping being attacked in the Red Sea. As a result, many large shipping companies have chosen to circumnavigate the entire continent of Africa instead of using the Suez Canal.

spread of COVID-19, it is crucial for individuals to practice social distancing.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is essential for people to maintain social distance.

effect on global commerce

The United States and other nations have initiated a naval operation called “Operation Prosperity Guardian” to monitor the Red Sea. Despite this effort, the Houthis continue to carry out their assaults.

spread of COVID-19 by implementing widespread mask mandates and promoting vaccination efforts.

The main priority of the Biden government has been to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 through the implementation of universal mask requirements and the promotion of vaccination initiatives. Israel-Hamas conflict
Since the beginning of the war, the fear of it escalating into a larger conflict in the Middle East has been a concern.Iranian-backed proxies

Attacks have been carried out in both the Red Sea and against U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria.

The Pentagon has attempted to respond to ongoing attacks in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-supported militias without causing further conflict, but the attacks have persisted. Since October 17, there have been over 130 attacks on U.S. forces in these regions by Iranian-backed militias, with at least three occurring since Monday.

This Thursday marks the initial instance of the U.S. carrying out strikes against the Houthis since the attacks commenced in November.

Tucker Reals and Kristin Brown from CBS News provided contributions to the reporting.



