The State Department has found a way to bypass Congress and has authorized the sale of $106 million worth of tank ammunition to Israel.

Without seeking approval from Congress, the Biden administration announced on Saturday that it has authorized the emergency purchase of approximately 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition for Israel, valued at over $106 million.

Increases the intensity of its military operations.

in the southern region of Gaza.

2022 budget request would boost the agency’s funding by 23 percent

The increase in funding for the agency is a result of President Biden’s 2022 budget proposal, which seeks to raise the agency’s budget by 23 percent.request for a nearly $106 billion aid package

The issue of national security for Ukraine and Israel is currently being held back in Congress due to a disagreement over U.S. immigration policies and border security. Certain Democratic lawmakers have suggested linking the proposed $14.3 billion in aid to Israel with specific actions from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration to decrease the number of civilian casualties in Gaza during their conflict with Hamas.

On Friday, the State Department informed Congress of the sale of munitions after Secretary of State Antony Blinken concluded that it was necessary to do so in order to address an urgent situation that is in the best interest of national security.

Issued an urgent decision for a transaction worth $8.1 billion, involving the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan followingit became clear

The Trump administration would face difficulties in addressing lawmakers’ worries regarding the war in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Pompeo faced severe backlash for his decision, as some argued that it may have gone against the law since many of the weapons were still in the process of being constructed and could not be expedited for delivery. However, he was found innocent of any misconduct after an internal inquiry.

Since 1979, at least four administrations have utilized this power. During the Gulf War, President George H.W. Bush’s administration employed it in order to promptly supply arms to Saudi Arabia.


