What are some key points to be aware of regarding the COP28 climate summit? Who will be attending, who will not, and will it have a significant impact on the environment?

What are some key points to be aware of regarding the COP28 climate summit? Who will be attending, who will not, and will it have a significant impact on the environment?

The yearly United Nations discussions on climate change will commence this week. The event, called COP28, unites numerous influential individuals from various countries, such as government and corporate leaders, scientists, and advocates.

Here is what to know about the gathering and the chances for progress in the face of the growing threat

Presented by the effects of climate change.

What is COP28? 

COP is an acronym for “Conference of the Parties,” which refers to the countries that have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This agreement was signed by more than 150 governments in 1992.

The Vatican announced on Tuesday that King Charles will not attend due to health concerns related to his recovery from influenza. However, King Charles still plans to give a speech at the event.

President Biden spoke at COP27 last year but is

I have no intention of going to COP28.

This year, the U.S. delegation will be led by Vice President Kamala Harris and U.S. climate envoy John Kerry. Chinese President Xi Jinping is not expected to attend, but India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be present. These three countries – China, the U.S., and India – are the top three emitters of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.greenhouse gases

Challenges and priorities related to climate change

Every year, discussions are held as climate experts issue warnings about the Earth being at risk of catastrophic climate events and reaching “tipping points” that could cause irreversible damage.ice meltsmore extreme conditions fuel drought, wildfires and floods

The hottest year ever recorded.. 

Countries have made progress in their efforts to reduce their rates of cutting down.planet-warming emissions

The progress has been sluggish and insufficient.

Failing to achieve the objectives.

In the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, it was established that warming could potentially reach 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. However, a recent report from the U.N. cautioned that this level of warming, if current policies continue, could have catastrophic effects on the global population.

During the COP28 conference, representatives from close to 200 nations will work towards reaching a consensus on a plan to expedite the shift away from using fossil fuels. The main topic of discussion is whether the ultimate agreement will mandate a complete elimination of fossil fuels or use less definitive language of gradually reducing their use. The final decision will be made at the conclusion of the conference.

The United States is making advancements, but is still not meeting expectations.

Between 2005 and 2019, the United States saw a 12% decrease in annual greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to a 40% decrease in emissions from the electricity industry caused by reduced coal consumption. The Inflation Reduction Act allocates a significant amount of funds to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy sources and the production of electric vehicles. However, the country is not currently on pace to achieve the Biden administration’s target of reducing emissions by 50% from 2005 levels by 2030.

A report from the White House states that climate change poses a threat to the lives of Americans.

New information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration reveals that the U.S. has been producing 13.2 million barrels of crude oil per day in recent weeks. This is the highest amount of crude oil ever produced in the nation. However, this level of production has been met with disapproval from the left, as the Biden administration has surpassed the Trump administration in the number of leases for oil and gas drilling on public land.

A recent report by Oil Change International revealed that the U.S. is responsible for over a third of the global increase in oil and gas production projected until 2050. The country has been labeled as the “Chief Destroyer of the Planet.”

Expectations for COP28

Expectations are low, given general inaction on cutting emissions and China signaling it won’t agree to a “phaseout of fossil fuels.” However, the U.S. and China — the world’s two top polluters — have recently reengaged on climate

They have announced their commitment to increase renewable energy production by three times by 2030 in order to speed up the replacement of coal, oil, and gas.

One anticipated result of the meeting is the initial evaluation of global progress, known as the “global stocktake,” since the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. This assessment will determine how successful countries have been in their efforts to limit the global temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). However, it has been revealed that progress has not been satisfactory, as the Earth’s temperature has already risen by 1.2 degrees C and global emissions continue to rise. The stocktake may suggest taking bold measures to swiftly reduce emissions.

There is also hope for reaching an agreement to cut emissions of methane

Methane is a strong greenhouse gas that has 80 times more warming potential than carbon dioxide in the first 20 years of its presence in the atmosphere.

All nations must reach a consensus on the contents of the final document created during the summit. This has made it challenging to achieve significant advancements in the past, causing some skeptics to see these yearly gatherings as unproductive. Additionally, any agreements made are not legally obligated, leading critics to accuse global leaders of making hollow commitments that are often not followed through on.

There is a lot of debate surrounding the United Arab Emirates, the country chosen to host the event.

The discussions are taking place in the country of United Arab Emirates, which ranks as the fifth largest producer of oil in the world. The current president of COP is Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber, who holds positions as both the leader of UAE’s national oil company and its renewable energy company. Environmental advocates argue that this arrangement is akin to allowing a predator into a vulnerable environment.

According to leaked briefing documents obtained by BBC News, al-Jaber was revealed to be a partner of CBS News.

Intended to talk about petroleum and natural gas.

Business concerns while meeting with international representatives leading up to the environmental summit.

Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber speaks during the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition

Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber, the president of the COP28 summit on climate change, delivered a speech on Oct. 2, 2023 at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition.

RYAN LIM/AFP via Getty Images

According to Michael Jacobs, a Sheffield University professor specializing in U.N. climate politics, it appears to be “astonishingly contradictory.”

“I believe the situation is even more concerning, as the UAE currently holds the responsibility for overseeing a United Nations initiative to decrease worldwide emissions,” he stated in an interview with the BBC. “However, during these meetings focused on achieving this objective, the UAE is simultaneously attempting to make deals that will ultimately result in an increase in global emissions.”

Reporting was contributed by Bo Erickson and Haley Ott.



Source: cbsnews.com
