This week, 5 asteroids, 2 of which are the size of an airplane, will be passing by Earth at close proximity.
NASA’s Asteroid Watch dashboard has reported that between Sept. 6 and Sept. 12, five asteroids will pass by Earth. These asteroids vary in size, with one being as big as a house and two being the size of airplanes.
The asteroid named JA5, which is about the size of a house, will be the initial one to come close to Earth on September 6th. It will come within a distance of 3.17 million miles and was first detected in 2021. As reported by NASA, the asteroid has a diameter of approximately 59 feet, leading to its comparison to a house.
On September 8th, two asteroids will fly near Earth. One is named QC5 and has a size of 79 feet, similar to that of a plane. The other, called GE, is about the same size as a bus, measuring approximately 26 feet. QC5 was first spotted in 2023 and will come within 2.53 million miles of Earth. GE was first observed in 2020 and will pass by at a distance of 3,560,000 miles from our planet.
“Viewing Asteroids” website allows users to observe real-time information about asteroids and comets within the galaxy through an interactive display using data from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies.
Kerry Breen
Source: cbsnews.com