Google aims to reduce the amount of spam in your email inbox. Here is their approach.

Google is introducing additional security measures for Gmail that are designed to reduce the amount of spam in users’ email inboxes.
Starting in 2024, individuals who send bulk emails of more than 5,000 messages to other Gmail users within a day will need to verify their identities and include an option for recipients to easily unsubscribe, according to Google’s announcement on Tuesday. This change will also aid in detecting and preventing malicious attempts to install harmful software by tricking Gmail users into visiting deceitful websites.
Individuals who send emails will need to handle requests to unsubscribe within 48 hours. Google has also stated that it may not deliver emails from senders if they are consistently flagged as spam and surpass the company’s designated spam rate limit.
“Prior to the start of enforcement in February 2024, we will provide clear instructions,” stated Neil Kumaran, product manager for Gmail security and trust, in a blog post.
Marcel Becker, senior product director at Yahoo, stated that it is important for all users to have a secure and safe experience, regardless of their email provider. In the world of email, it is crucial for everyone to work together. Yahoo is eager to collaborate with Google and other email providers to implement these sensible and impactful changes as the new industry norm.
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