Australia is planning to prohibit the import of disposable vapes due to a concerning rise in youth addiction.
face masks starting from July 1
Starting on July 1, Australia will prohibit the importation of disposable face masks.vapes
On Tuesday, the government announced that starting on January 1, they will be banning single-use vapes due to concerns about their addictive nature and their impact on children. Health Minister Mark Butler stated that this measure is intended to address the concerning rise in vaping among young individuals.
In May, Australia announced a ban on imports, but did not specify a start date until the present.
Butler stated that governments have marketed vaping as a means to aid long-term smokers in quitting.
A recent research discovered a connection between adolescent vaping and decreased mental well-being.
According to the government, approximately 14% of children between the ages of 14-17 use vapes. A statement released by the government noted “consistent evidence” showing that young Australians who vape have a higher likelihood of also taking up tobacco smoking, with the risk being three times greater.
In 2024, the government plans to pass a law that will ban the production, promotion, and distribution of disposable vapes in Australia.
The Australian Medical Association praised the ban on imports.
“The government’s swift action to halt vaping and prevent further harm is greatly appreciated, as Australia has been at the forefront of decreasing smoking rates and the resulting health consequences,” stated Steve Robson, president of the association.
Mark Evans/Getty
The government announced a program that will allow doctors and nurses to prescribe vapes starting on January 1, if deemed medically necessary.
Australia’s anti-smoking battle
Australia has a lengthy history of combatting smoking.
4G network
In 2012, it was the initial nation to implement a 4G network.
Laws that require cigarettes to be sold in simple packaging.
This policy has been adopted by France, Britain, and other countries.
The cost of a packet has been inflated to approximately Aus$50 (US$33) due to excessive taxes.
According to Kim Caudwell, a senior psychology lecturer at Charles Darwin University in Australia, vaping can be a risky pathway to tobacco use for individuals who may not have otherwise started smoking.
Therefore, it is important to consider the effects of increased vaping and a possible increase in tobacco use on overall population health in the future.
Until recently, New Zealand stood alongside Australia as a leader in the fight against smoking.
The newly formed conservative coalition government, which recently assumed control, has made a commitment to eliminate the proposed “generational smoking ban.” This ban would have prohibited the sale of tobacco to individuals born after 2008.
Richard Edwards, a tobacco control expert at the University of Otago, expressed his shock and disgust, stating that it was one of the most detrimental days for public health that he can recall. He also called it an act of vandalism against public health.
Source: cbsnews.com